Source code for

This module works with CAN data in ASCII log files (*.log).
It is is compatible with "candump -L" from the canutils program

import logging
from typing import Any, Generator, TextIO, Union

from can.message import Message

from ..typechecking import StringPathLike
from .generic import FileIOMessageWriter, MessageReader

log = logging.getLogger("")

CAN_MSG_EXT = 0x80000000
CAN_ERR_FLAG = 0x20000000
CAN_ERR_BUSERROR = 0x00000080

CANFD_BRS = 0x01
CANFD_ESI = 0x02

[docs]class CanutilsLogReader(MessageReader): """ Iterator over CAN messages from a .log Logging File (candump -L). .. note:: .log-format looks for example like this: ``(0.0) vcan0 001#8d00100100820100`` """ file: TextIO def __init__( self, file: Union[StringPathLike, TextIO], **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """ :param file: a path-like object or as file-like object to read from If this is a file-like object, is has to opened in text read mode, not binary read mode. """ super().__init__(file, mode="r") def __iter__(self) -> Generator[Message, None, None]: for line in self.file: # skip empty lines temp = line.strip() if not temp: continue channel_string: str if temp[-2:].lower() in (" r", " t"): timestamp_string, channel_string, frame, is_rx_string = temp.split() is_rx = is_rx_string.strip().lower() == "r" else: timestamp_string, channel_string, frame = temp.split() is_rx = True timestamp = float(timestamp_string[1:-1]) can_id_string, data = frame.split("#", maxsplit=1) channel: Union[int, str] if channel_string.isdigit(): channel = int(channel_string) else: channel = channel_string is_extended = len(can_id_string) > 3 can_id = int(can_id_string, 16) is_fd = False brs = False esi = False if data and data[0] == "#": is_fd = True fd_flags = int(data[1]) brs = bool(fd_flags & CANFD_BRS) esi = bool(fd_flags & CANFD_ESI) data = data[2:] if data and data[0].lower() == "r": is_remote_frame = True if len(data) > 1: dlc = int(data[1:]) else: dlc = 0 data_bin = None else: is_remote_frame = False dlc = len(data) // 2 data_bin = bytearray() for i in range(0, len(data), 2): data_bin.append(int(data[i : (i + 2)], 16)) if can_id & CAN_ERR_FLAG and can_id & CAN_ERR_BUSERROR: msg = Message(timestamp=timestamp, is_error_frame=True) else: msg = Message( timestamp=timestamp, arbitration_id=can_id & 0x1FFFFFFF, is_extended_id=is_extended, is_remote_frame=is_remote_frame, is_fd=is_fd, is_rx=is_rx, bitrate_switch=brs, error_state_indicator=esi, dlc=dlc, data=data_bin, channel=channel, ) yield msg self.stop()
[docs]class CanutilsLogWriter(FileIOMessageWriter): """Logs CAN data to an ASCII log file (.log). This class is is compatible with "candump -L". If a message has a timestamp smaller than the previous one (or 0 or None), it gets assigned the timestamp that was written for the last message. It the first message does not have a timestamp, it is set to zero. """ def __init__( self, file: Union[StringPathLike, TextIO], channel: str = "vcan0", append: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ): """ :param file: a path-like object or as file-like object to write to If this is a file-like object, is has to opened in text write mode, not binary write mode. :param channel: a default channel to use when the message does not have a channel set :param bool append: if set to `True` messages are appended to the file, else the file is truncated """ mode = "a" if append else "w" super().__init__(file, mode=mode) = channel self.last_timestamp = None
[docs] def on_message_received(self, msg): # this is the case for the very first message: if self.last_timestamp is None: self.last_timestamp = msg.timestamp or 0.0 # figure out the correct timestamp if msg.timestamp is None or msg.timestamp < self.last_timestamp: timestamp = self.last_timestamp else: timestamp = msg.timestamp channel = if is not None else if isinstance(channel, int) or isinstance(channel, str) and channel.isdigit(): channel = f"can{channel}" framestr = f"({timestamp:f}) {channel}" if msg.is_error_frame: framestr += f" {CAN_ERR_FLAG | CAN_ERR_BUSERROR:08X}#" elif msg.is_extended_id: framestr += f" {msg.arbitration_id:08X}#" else: framestr += f" {msg.arbitration_id:03X}#" if msg.is_error_frame: eol = "\n" else: eol = " R\n" if msg.is_rx else " T\n" if msg.is_remote_frame: framestr += f"R{eol}" else: if msg.is_fd: fd_flags = 0 if msg.bitrate_switch: fd_flags |= CANFD_BRS if msg.error_state_indicator: fd_flags |= CANFD_ESI framestr += f"#{fd_flags:X}" framestr += f"{}{eol}" self.file.write(framestr)