Bit Timing Configuration

The CAN protocol, specified in ISO 11898, allows the bitrate, sample point and number of samples to be optimized for a given application. These parameters, known as bit timings, can be adjusted to meet the requirements of the communication system and the physical communication channel.

These parameters include:

  • tseg1: The time segment 1 (TSEG1) is the amount of time from the end of the sync segment until the sample point. It is expressed in time quanta (TQ).

  • tseg2: The time segment 2 (TSEG2) is the amount of time from the sample point until the end of the bit. It is expressed in TQ.

  • sjw: The synchronization jump width (SJW) is the maximum number of TQ that the controller can resynchronize every bit.

  • sample point: The sample point is defined as the point in time within a bit where the bus controller samples the bus for dominant or recessive levels. It is typically expressed as a percentage of the bit time. The sample point depends on the bus length and propagation time as well as the information processing time of the nodes.


Bit Timing and Sample Point

For example, consider a bit with a total duration of 8 TQ and a sample point at 75%. The values for TSEG1, TSEG2 and SJW would be 5, 2, and 2, respectively. The sample point would be 6 TQ after the start of the bit, leaving 2 TQ for the information processing by the bus nodes.


The values for TSEG1, TSEG2 and SJW are chosen such that the sample point is at least 50% of the total bit time. This ensures that there is sufficient time for the signal to stabilize before it is sampled.


In CAN FD, the arbitration (nominal) phase and the data phase can have different bit rates. As a result, there are two separate sample points to consider.

Another important parameter is f_clock: The CAN system clock frequency in Hz. This frequency is used to derive the TQ size from the bit rate. The relationship is f_clock = (tseg1+tseg2+1) * bitrate * brp. The bit rate prescaler value brp is usually determined by the controller and is chosen to ensure that the resulting bit time is an integer value. Typical CAN clock frequencies are 8-80 MHz.

In most cases, the recommended settings for a predefined set of common bit rates will work just fine. In some cases, however, it may be necessary to specify custom bit timings. The BitTiming and BitTimingFd classes can be used for this purpose to specify bit timings in a relatively interface agnostic manner.

BitTiming or BitTimingFd can also help you to produce an overview of possible bit timings for your desired bit rate:

>>> import contextlib
>>> import can
>>> timings = set()
>>> for sample_point in range(50, 100):
...     with contextlib.suppress(ValueError):
...         timings.add(
...             can.BitTiming.from_sample_point(
...                 f_clock=8_000_000,
...                 bitrate=250_000,
...                 sample_point=sample_point,
...             )
...         )
>>> for timing in sorted(timings, key=lambda x: x.sample_point):
...     print(timing)
BR: 250_000 bit/s, SP: 50.00%, BRP: 2, TSEG1: 7, TSEG2: 8, SJW: 4, BTR: C176h, CLK: 8MHz
BR: 250_000 bit/s, SP: 56.25%, BRP: 2, TSEG1: 8, TSEG2: 7, SJW: 4, BTR: C167h, CLK: 8MHz
BR: 250_000 bit/s, SP: 62.50%, BRP: 2, TSEG1: 9, TSEG2: 6, SJW: 4, BTR: C158h, CLK: 8MHz
BR: 250_000 bit/s, SP: 68.75%, BRP: 2, TSEG1: 10, TSEG2: 5, SJW: 4, BTR: C149h, CLK: 8MHz
BR: 250_000 bit/s, SP: 75.00%, BRP: 2, TSEG1: 11, TSEG2: 4, SJW: 4, BTR: C13Ah, CLK: 8MHz
BR: 250_000 bit/s, SP: 81.25%, BRP: 2, TSEG1: 12, TSEG2: 3, SJW: 3, BTR: 812Bh, CLK: 8MHz
BR: 250_000 bit/s, SP: 87.50%, BRP: 2, TSEG1: 13, TSEG2: 2, SJW: 2, BTR: 411Ch, CLK: 8MHz
BR: 250_000 bit/s, SP: 93.75%, BRP: 2, TSEG1: 14, TSEG2: 1, SJW: 1, BTR: 010Dh, CLK: 8MHz

It is possible to specify CAN 2.0 bit timings using the config file:


The same is possible for CAN FD:


A dict of the relevant config parameters can be easily obtained by calling dict(timing) or {**timing} where timing is the BitTiming or BitTimingFd instance.

Check Configuration for more information about saving and loading configurations.

class can.BitTiming(f_clock, brp, tseg1, tseg2, sjw, nof_samples=1, strict=False)[source]

Bases: Mapping

Representation of a bit timing configuration for a CAN 2.0 bus.

The class can be constructed in multiple ways, depending on the information available. The preferred way is using CAN clock frequency, prescaler, tseg1, tseg2 and sjw:

can.BitTiming(f_clock=8_000_000, brp=1, tseg1=5, tseg2=1, sjw=1)

Alternatively you can set the bitrate instead of the bit rate prescaler:

    f_clock=8_000_000, bitrate=1_000_000, tseg1=5, tseg2=1, sjw=1

It is also possible to specify BTR registers:

can.BitTiming.from_registers(f_clock=8_000_000, btr0=0x00, btr1=0x14)

or to calculate the timings for a given sample point:

can.BitTiming.from_sample_point(f_clock=8_000_000, bitrate=1_000_000, sample_point=75.0)
  • f_clock (int) – The CAN system clock frequency in Hz.

  • brp (int) – Bit rate prescaler.

  • tseg1 (int) – Time segment 1, that is, the number of quanta from (but not including) the Sync Segment to the sampling point.

  • tseg2 (int) – Time segment 2, that is, the number of quanta from the sampling point to the end of the bit.

  • sjw (int) – The Synchronization Jump Width. Decides the maximum number of time quanta that the controller can resynchronize every bit.

  • nof_samples (int) – Either 1 or 3. Some CAN controllers can also sample each bit three times. In this case, the bit will be sampled three quanta in a row, with the last sample being taken in the edge between TSEG1 and TSEG2. Three samples should only be used for relatively slow baudrates.

  • strict (bool) – If True, restrict bit timings to the minimum required range as defined in ISO 11898. This can be used to ensure compatibility across a wide variety of CAN hardware.


ValueError – if the arguments are invalid.

classmethod from_bitrate_and_segments(f_clock, bitrate, tseg1, tseg2, sjw, nof_samples=1, strict=False)[source]

Create a BitTiming instance from bitrate and segment lengths.

  • f_clock (int) – The CAN system clock frequency in Hz.

  • bitrate (int) – Bitrate in bit/s.

  • tseg1 (int) – Time segment 1, that is, the number of quanta from (but not including) the Sync Segment to the sampling point.

  • tseg2 (int) – Time segment 2, that is, the number of quanta from the sampling point to the end of the bit.

  • sjw (int) – The Synchronization Jump Width. Decides the maximum number of time quanta that the controller can resynchronize every bit.

  • nof_samples (int) – Either 1 or 3. Some CAN controllers can also sample each bit three times. In this case, the bit will be sampled three quanta in a row, with the last sample being taken in the edge between TSEG1 and TSEG2. Three samples should only be used for relatively slow baudrates.

  • strict (bool) – If True, restrict bit timings to the minimum required range as defined in ISO 11898. This can be used to ensure compatibility across a wide variety of CAN hardware.


ValueError – if the arguments are invalid.

Return type:


classmethod from_registers(f_clock, btr0, btr1)[source]

Create a BitTiming instance from registers btr0 and btr1.

  • f_clock (int) – The CAN system clock frequency in Hz.

  • btr0 (int) – The BTR0 register value used by many CAN controllers.

  • btr1 (int) – The BTR1 register value used by many CAN controllers.


ValueError – if the arguments are invalid.

Return type:


classmethod iterate_from_sample_point(f_clock, bitrate, sample_point=69.0)[source]

Create a BitTiming iterator with all the solutions for a sample point.

  • f_clock (int) – The CAN system clock frequency in Hz.

  • bitrate (int) – Bitrate in bit/s.

  • sample_point (int) – The sample point value in percent.


ValueError – if the arguments are invalid.

Return type:


classmethod from_sample_point(f_clock, bitrate, sample_point=69.0)[source]

Create a BitTiming instance for a sample point.

This function tries to find bit timings, which are close to the requested sample point. It does not take physical bus properties into account, so the calculated bus timings might not work properly for you.

The oscillator_tolerance() function might be helpful to evaluate the bus timings.

  • f_clock (int) – The CAN system clock frequency in Hz.

  • bitrate (int) – Bitrate in bit/s.

  • sample_point (int) – The sample point value in percent.


ValueError – if the arguments are invalid.

Return type:


property f_clock: int

The CAN system clock frequency in Hz.

property bitrate: int

Bitrate in bits/s.

property brp: int

Bit Rate Prescaler.

property tq: int

Time quantum in nanoseconds

property nbt: int

Nominal Bit Time.

property tseg1: int

Time segment 1.

The number of quanta from (but not including) the Sync Segment to the sampling point.

property tseg2: int

Time segment 2.

The number of quanta from the sampling point to the end of the bit.

property sjw: int

Synchronization Jump Width.

property nof_samples: int

Number of samples (1 or 3).

property sample_point: float

Sample point in percent.

property btr0: int

Bit timing register 0 for SJA1000.

property btr1: int

Bit timing register 1 for SJA1000.

oscillator_tolerance(node_loop_delay_ns=250.0, bus_length_m=10.0)[source]

Oscillator tolerance in percent according to ISO 11898-1.

  • node_loop_delay_ns (float) – Transceiver loop delay in nanoseconds.

  • bus_length_m (float) – Bus length in meters.

Return type:



Return a new BitTiming instance with the given f_clock but the same bit rate and sample point.


f_clock (int) – The CAN system clock frequency in Hz.


ValueError – if no suitable bit timings were found.

Return type:


class can.BitTimingFd(f_clock, nom_brp, nom_tseg1, nom_tseg2, nom_sjw, data_brp, data_tseg1, data_tseg2, data_sjw, strict=False)[source]

Bases: Mapping

Representation of a bit timing configuration for a CAN FD bus.

The class can be constructed in multiple ways, depending on the information available. The preferred way is using CAN clock frequency, bit rate prescaler, tseg1, tseg2 and sjw for both the arbitration (nominal) and data phase:


Alternatively you can set the bit rates instead of the bit rate prescalers:


It is also possible to calculate the timings for a given pair of arbitration and data sample points:


Initialize a BitTimingFd instance with the specified parameters.

  • f_clock (int) – The CAN system clock frequency in Hz.

  • nom_brp (int) – Nominal (arbitration) phase bitrate prescaler.

  • nom_tseg1 (int) – Nominal phase Time segment 1, that is, the number of quanta from (but not including) the Sync Segment to the sampling point.

  • nom_tseg2 (int) – Nominal phase Time segment 2, that is, the number of quanta from the sampling point to the end of the bit.

  • nom_sjw (int) – The Synchronization Jump Width for the nominal phase. This value determines the maximum number of time quanta that the controller can resynchronize every bit.

  • data_brp (int) – Data phase bitrate prescaler.

  • data_tseg1 (int) – Data phase Time segment 1, that is, the number of quanta from (but not including) the Sync Segment to the sampling point.

  • data_tseg2 (int) – Data phase Time segment 2, that is, the number of quanta from the sampling point to the end of the bit.

  • data_sjw (int) – The Synchronization Jump Width for the data phase. This value determines the maximum number of time quanta that the controller can resynchronize every bit.

  • strict (bool) – If True, restrict bit timings to the minimum required range as defined in ISO 11898. This can be used to ensure compatibility across a wide variety of CAN hardware.


ValueError – if the arguments are invalid.

classmethod from_bitrate_and_segments(f_clock, nom_bitrate, nom_tseg1, nom_tseg2, nom_sjw, data_bitrate, data_tseg1, data_tseg2, data_sjw, strict=False)[source]

Create a BitTimingFd instance with the bitrates and segments lengths.

  • f_clock (int) – The CAN system clock frequency in Hz.

  • nom_bitrate (int) – Nominal (arbitration) phase bitrate in bit/s.

  • nom_tseg1 (int) – Nominal phase Time segment 1, that is, the number of quanta from (but not including) the Sync Segment to the sampling point.

  • nom_tseg2 (int) – Nominal phase Time segment 2, that is, the number of quanta from the sampling point to the end of the bit.

  • nom_sjw (int) – The Synchronization Jump Width for the nominal phase. This value determines the maximum number of time quanta that the controller can resynchronize every bit.

  • data_bitrate (int) – Data phase bitrate in bit/s.

  • data_tseg1 (int) – Data phase Time segment 1, that is, the number of quanta from (but not including) the Sync Segment to the sampling point.

  • data_tseg2 (int) – Data phase Time segment 2, that is, the number of quanta from the sampling point to the end of the bit.

  • data_sjw (int) – The Synchronization Jump Width for the data phase. This value determines the maximum number of time quanta that the controller can resynchronize every bit.

  • strict (bool) – If True, restrict bit timings to the minimum required range as defined in ISO 11898. This can be used to ensure compatibility across a wide variety of CAN hardware.


ValueError – if the arguments are invalid.

Return type:


classmethod iterate_from_sample_point(f_clock, nom_bitrate, nom_sample_point, data_bitrate, data_sample_point)[source]

Create an BitTimingFd iterator with all the solutions for a sample point.

  • f_clock (int) – The CAN system clock frequency in Hz.

  • nom_bitrate (int) – Nominal bitrate in bit/s.

  • nom_sample_point (int) – The sample point value of the arbitration phase in percent.

  • data_bitrate (int) – Data bitrate in bit/s.

  • data_sample_point (int) – The sample point value of the data phase in percent.


ValueError – if the arguments are invalid.

Return type:


classmethod from_sample_point(f_clock, nom_bitrate, nom_sample_point, data_bitrate, data_sample_point)[source]

Create a BitTimingFd instance for a sample point.

This function tries to find bit timings, which are close to the requested sample points. It does not take physical bus properties into account, so the calculated bus timings might not work properly for you.

The oscillator_tolerance() function might be helpful to evaluate the bus timings.

  • f_clock (int) – The CAN system clock frequency in Hz.

  • nom_bitrate (int) – Nominal bitrate in bit/s.

  • nom_sample_point (int) – The sample point value of the arbitration phase in percent.

  • data_bitrate (int) – Data bitrate in bit/s.

  • data_sample_point (int) – The sample point value of the data phase in percent.


ValueError – if the arguments are invalid.

Return type:


property f_clock: int

The CAN system clock frequency in Hz.

property nom_bitrate: int

Nominal (arbitration phase) bitrate.

property nom_brp: int

Prescaler value for the arbitration phase.

property nom_tq: int

Nominal time quantum in nanoseconds

property nbt: int

Number of time quanta in a bit of the arbitration phase.

property nom_tseg1: int

Time segment 1 value of the arbitration phase.

This is the sum of the propagation time segment and the phase buffer segment 1.

property nom_tseg2: int

Time segment 2 value of the arbitration phase. Also known as phase buffer segment 2.

property nom_sjw: int

Synchronization jump width of the arbitration phase.

The phase buffer segments may be shortened or lengthened by this value.

property nom_sample_point: float

Sample point of the arbitration phase in percent.

property data_bitrate: int

Bitrate of the data phase in bit/s.

property data_brp: int

Prescaler value for the data phase.

property data_tq: int

Data time quantum in nanoseconds

property dbt: int

Number of time quanta in a bit of the data phase.

property data_tseg1: int

TSEG1 value of the data phase.

This is the sum of the propagation time segment and the phase buffer segment 1.

property data_tseg2: int

TSEG2 value of the data phase. Also known as phase buffer segment 2.

property data_sjw: int

Synchronization jump width of the data phase.

The phase buffer segments may be shortened or lengthened by this value.

property data_sample_point: float

Sample point of the data phase in percent.

oscillator_tolerance(node_loop_delay_ns=250.0, bus_length_m=10.0)[source]

Oscillator tolerance in percent according to ISO 11898-1.

  • node_loop_delay_ns (float) – Transceiver loop delay in nanoseconds.

  • bus_length_m (float) – Bus length in meters.

Return type:



Return a new BitTimingFd instance with the given f_clock but the same bit rates and sample points.


f_clock (int) – The CAN system clock frequency in Hz.


ValueError – if no suitable bit timings were found.

Return type:
