Source code for

Reader and writer for can logging files in peak trc format

for file format description

Version 1.1 will be implemented as it is most commonly used

import logging
import os
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Generator, List, Optional, TextIO, Union

from ..message import Message
from ..typechecking import StringPathLike
from ..util import channel2int, dlc2len, len2dlc
from .generic import FileIOMessageWriter, MessageReader

logger = logging.getLogger("")

class TRCFileVersion(Enum):
    UNKNOWN = 0
    V1_0 = 100
    V1_1 = 101
    V1_2 = 102
    V1_3 = 103
    V2_0 = 200
    V2_1 = 201

    def __ge__(self, other):
        if self.__class__ is other.__class__:
            return self.value >= other.value
        return NotImplemented

[docs]class TRCReader(MessageReader): """ Iterator of CAN messages from a TRC logging file. """ file: TextIO def __init__( self, file: Union[StringPathLike, TextIO], **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """ :param file: a path-like object or as file-like object to read from If this is a file-like object, is has to opened in text read mode, not binary read mode. """ super().__init__(file, mode="r") self.file_version = TRCFileVersion.UNKNOWN self.start_time: Optional[datetime] = None self.columns: Dict[str, int] = {} if not self.file: raise ValueError("The given file cannot be None") self._parse_cols: Callable[[List[str]], Optional[Message]] = lambda x: None def _extract_header(self): line = "" for line in self.file: line = line.strip() if line.startswith(";$FILEVERSION"): logger.debug("TRCReader: Found file version '%s'", line) try: file_version = line.split("=")[1] if file_version == "1.1": self.file_version = TRCFileVersion.V1_1 elif file_version == "2.0": self.file_version = TRCFileVersion.V2_0 elif file_version == "2.1": self.file_version = TRCFileVersion.V2_1 else: self.file_version = TRCFileVersion.UNKNOWN except IndexError: logger.debug("TRCReader: Failed to parse version") elif line.startswith(";$STARTTIME"): logger.debug("TRCReader: Found start time '%s'", line) try: self.start_time = datetime( 1899, 12, 30, tzinfo=timezone.utc ) + timedelta(days=float(line.split("=")[1])) except IndexError: logger.debug("TRCReader: Failed to parse start time") elif line.startswith(";$COLUMNS"): logger.debug("TRCReader: Found columns '%s'", line) try: columns = line.split("=")[1].split(",") self.columns = {column: columns.index(column) for column in columns} except IndexError: logger.debug("TRCReader: Failed to parse columns") elif line.startswith(";"): continue else: break if self.file_version >= TRCFileVersion.V1_1: if self.start_time is None: raise ValueError("File has no start time information") if self.file_version >= TRCFileVersion.V2_0: if not self.columns: raise ValueError("File has no column information") if self.file_version == TRCFileVersion.UNKNOWN: "TRCReader: No file version was found, so version 1.0 is assumed" ) self._parse_cols = self._parse_msg_V1_0 elif self.file_version == TRCFileVersion.V1_0: self._parse_cols = self._parse_msg_V1_0 elif self.file_version == TRCFileVersion.V1_1: self._parse_cols = self._parse_cols_V1_1 elif self.file_version in [TRCFileVersion.V2_0, TRCFileVersion.V2_1]: self._parse_cols = self._parse_cols_V2_x else: raise NotImplementedError("File version not fully implemented for reading") return line def _parse_msg_V1_0(self, cols: List[str]) -> Optional[Message]: arbit_id = cols[2] if arbit_id == "FFFFFFFF":"TRCReader: Dropping bus info line") return None msg = Message() msg.timestamp = float(cols[1]) / 1000 msg.arbitration_id = int(arbit_id, 16) msg.is_extended_id = len(arbit_id) > 4 = 1 msg.dlc = int(cols[3]) = bytearray([int(cols[i + 4], 16) for i in range(msg.dlc)]) return msg def _parse_msg_V1_1(self, cols: List[str]) -> Optional[Message]: arbit_id = cols[3] msg = Message() if isinstance(self.start_time, datetime): msg.timestamp = ( self.start_time + timedelta(milliseconds=float(cols[1])) ).timestamp() else: msg.timestamp = float(cols[1]) / 1000 msg.arbitration_id = int(arbit_id, 16) msg.is_extended_id = len(arbit_id) > 4 = 1 msg.dlc = int(cols[4]) = bytearray([int(cols[i + 5], 16) for i in range(msg.dlc)]) msg.is_rx = cols[2] == "Rx" return msg def _parse_msg_V2_x(self, cols: List[str]) -> Optional[Message]: type_ = cols[self.columns["T"]] bus = self.columns.get("B", None) if "l" in self.columns: length = int(cols[self.columns["l"]]) dlc = len2dlc(length) elif "L" in self.columns: dlc = int(cols[self.columns["L"]]) length = dlc2len(dlc) else: raise ValueError("No length/dlc columns present.") msg = Message() if isinstance(self.start_time, datetime): msg.timestamp = ( self.start_time + timedelta(milliseconds=float(cols[self.columns["O"]])) ).timestamp() else: msg.timestamp = float(cols[1]) / 1000 msg.arbitration_id = int(cols[self.columns["I"]], 16) msg.is_extended_id = len(cols[self.columns["I"]]) > 4 = int(cols[bus]) if bus is not None else 1 msg.dlc = dlc = bytearray( [int(cols[i + self.columns["D"]], 16) for i in range(length)] ) msg.is_rx = cols[self.columns["d"]] == "Rx" msg.is_fd = type_ in ["FD", "FB", "FE", "BI"] msg.bitrate_switch = type_ in ["FB", " FE"] msg.error_state_indicator = type_ in ["FE", "BI"] return msg def _parse_cols_V1_1(self, cols: List[str]) -> Optional[Message]: dtype = cols[2] if dtype in ("Tx", "Rx"): return self._parse_msg_V1_1(cols) else:"TRCReader: Unsupported type '%s'", dtype) return None def _parse_cols_V2_x(self, cols: List[str]) -> Optional[Message]: dtype = cols[self.columns["T"]] if dtype in ["DT", "FD", "FB"]: return self._parse_msg_V2_x(cols) else:"TRCReader: Unsupported type '%s'", dtype) return None def _parse_line(self, line: str) -> Optional[Message]: logger.debug("TRCReader: Parse '%s'", line) try: cols = line.split() return self._parse_cols(cols) except IndexError: logger.warning("TRCReader: Failed to parse message '%s'", line) return None def __iter__(self) -> Generator[Message, None, None]: first_line = self._extract_header() if first_line is not None: msg = self._parse_line(first_line) if msg is not None: yield msg for line in self.file: temp = line.strip() if temp.startswith(";"): # Comment line continue if len(temp) == 0: # Empty line continue msg = self._parse_line(temp) if msg is not None: yield msg self.stop()
[docs]class TRCWriter(FileIOMessageWriter): """Logs CAN data to text file (.trc). The measurement starts with the timestamp of the first registered message. If a message has a timestamp smaller than the previous one or None, it gets assigned the timestamp that was written for the last message. If the first message does not have a timestamp, it is set to zero. """ file: TextIO first_timestamp: Optional[float] FORMAT_MESSAGE = ( "{msgnr:>7} {time:13.3f} DT {channel:>2} {id:>8} {dir:>2} - {dlc:<4} {data}" ) FORMAT_MESSAGE_V1_0 = "{msgnr:>6}) {time:7.0f} {id:>8} {dlc:<1} {data}" def __init__( self, file: Union[StringPathLike, TextIO], channel: int = 1, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """ :param file: a path-like object or as file-like object to write to If this is a file-like object, is has to opened in text write mode, not binary write mode. :param channel: a default channel to use when the message does not have a channel set """ super().__init__(file, mode="w") = channel if hasattr(self.file, "reconfigure"): self.file.reconfigure(newline="\r\n") else: raise TypeError("File must be opened in text mode.") self.filepath = os.path.abspath( self.header_written = False self.msgnr = 0 self.first_timestamp = None self.file_version = TRCFileVersion.V2_1 self._msg_fmt_string = self.FORMAT_MESSAGE_V1_0 self._format_message = self._format_message_init def _write_header_V1_0(self, start_time: datetime) -> None: lines = [ ";##########################################################################", f"; {self.filepath}", ";", "; Generated by python-can TRCWriter", f"; Start time: {start_time}", "; PCAN-Net: N/A", ";", "; Columns description:", "; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", "; +-current number in actual sample", "; | +time offset of message (ms", "; | | +ID of message (hex", "; | | | +data length code", "; | | | | +data bytes (hex ...", "; | | | | |", ";----+- ---+--- ----+--- + -+ -- -- ...", ] self.file.writelines(line + "\n" for line in lines) def _write_header_V2_1(self, start_time: datetime) -> None: header_time = start_time - datetime(year=1899, month=12, day=30) lines = [ ";$FILEVERSION=2.1", f";$STARTTIME={header_time/timedelta(days=1)}", ";$COLUMNS=N,O,T,B,I,d,R,L,D", ";", f"; {self.filepath}", ";", f"; Start time: {start_time}", "; Generated by python-can TRCWriter", ";-------------------------------------------------------------------------------", "; Bus Name Connection Protocol", "; N/A N/A N/A N/A", ";-------------------------------------------------------------------------------", "; Message Time Type ID Rx/Tx", "; Number Offset | Bus [hex] | Reserved", "; | [ms] | | | | | Data Length Code", "; | | | | | | | | Data [hex] ...", "; | | | | | | | | |", ";---+-- ------+------ +- +- --+----- +- +- +--- +- -- -- -- -- -- -- --", ] self.file.writelines(line + "\n" for line in lines) def _format_message_by_format(self, msg, channel): if msg.is_extended_id: arb_id = f"{msg.arbitration_id:07X}" else: arb_id = f"{msg.arbitration_id:04X}" data = [f"{byte:02X}" for byte in] serialized = self._msg_fmt_string.format( msgnr=self.msgnr, time=(msg.timestamp - self.first_timestamp) * 1000, channel=channel, id=arb_id, dir="Rx" if msg.is_rx else "Tx", dlc=msg.dlc, data=" ".join(data), ) return serialized def _format_message_init(self, msg, channel): if self.file_version == TRCFileVersion.V1_0: self._format_message = self._format_message_by_format self._msg_fmt_string = self.FORMAT_MESSAGE_V1_0 elif self.file_version == TRCFileVersion.V2_1: self._format_message = self._format_message_by_format self._msg_fmt_string = self.FORMAT_MESSAGE else: raise NotImplementedError("File format is not supported") return self._format_message_by_format(msg, channel) def write_header(self, timestamp: float) -> None: # write start of file header start_time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp) if self.file_version == TRCFileVersion.V1_0: self._write_header_V1_0(start_time) elif self.file_version == TRCFileVersion.V2_1: self._write_header_V2_1(start_time) else: raise NotImplementedError("File format is not supported") self.header_written = True def log_event(self, message: str, timestamp: float) -> None: if not self.header_written: self.write_header(timestamp) self.file.write(message + "\n")
[docs] def on_message_received(self, msg: Message) -> None: if self.first_timestamp is None: self.first_timestamp = msg.timestamp if msg.is_error_frame: logger.warning("TRCWriter: Logging error frames is not implemented") return if msg.is_remote_frame: logger.warning("TRCWriter: Logging remote frames is not implemented") return channel = channel2int( if channel is None: channel = else: # Many interfaces start channel numbering at 0 which is invalid channel += 1 if msg.is_fd: logger.warning("TRCWriter: Logging CAN FD is not implemented") return else: serialized = self._format_message(msg, channel) self.msgnr += 1 self.log_event(serialized, msg.timestamp)