Source code for

This module contains the generic :class:`LogReader` as
well as :class:`MessageSync` which plays back messages
in the recorded order and time intervals.
import gzip
import pathlib
import time
from typing import (

from .._entry_points import read_entry_points
from ..message import Message
from ..typechecking import AcceptedIOType, FileLike, StringPathLike
from .asc import ASCReader
from .blf import BLFReader
from .canutils import CanutilsLogReader
from .csv import CSVReader
from .generic import BinaryIOMessageReader, MessageReader
from .mf4 import MF4Reader
from .sqlite import SqliteReader
from .trc import TRCReader

#: A map of file suffixes to their corresponding
#: :class:`` class
MESSAGE_READERS: Final[Dict[str, Type[MessageReader]]] = {
    ".asc": ASCReader,
    ".blf": BLFReader,
    ".csv": CSVReader,
    ".db": SqliteReader,
    ".log": CanutilsLogReader,
    ".mf4": MF4Reader,
    ".trc": TRCReader,

def _update_reader_plugins() -> None:
    """Update available message reader plugins from entry points."""
    for entry_point in read_entry_points(""):
        if entry_point.key in MESSAGE_READERS:

        reader_class = entry_point.load()
        if issubclass(reader_class, MessageReader):
            MESSAGE_READERS[entry_point.key] = reader_class

def _get_logger_for_suffix(suffix: str) -> Type[MessageReader]:
    """Find MessageReader class for given suffix."""
        return MESSAGE_READERS[suffix]
    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError(f'No read support for unknown log format "{suffix}"') from None

def _decompress(
    filename: StringPathLike,
) -> Tuple[Type[MessageReader], Union[str, FileLike]]:
    Return the suffix and io object of the decompressed file.
    suffixes = pathlib.Path(filename).suffixes
    if len(suffixes) != 2:
        raise ValueError(
            f"No write support for unknown log format \"{''.join(suffixes)}\""
        ) from None

    real_suffix = suffixes[-2].lower()
    reader_type = _get_logger_for_suffix(real_suffix)

    mode = "rb" if issubclass(reader_type, BinaryIOMessageReader) else "rt"

    return reader_type,, mode)

[docs] def LogReader(filename: StringPathLike, **kwargs: Any) -> MessageReader: # noqa: N802 """Find and return the appropriate :class:`` instance for a given file suffix. The format is determined from the file suffix which can be one of: * .asc :class:`can.ASCReader` * .blf :class:`can.BLFReader` * .csv :class:`can.CSVReader` * .db :class:`can.SqliteReader` * .log :class:`can.CanutilsLogReader` * .mf4 :class:`can.MF4Reader` (optional, depends on `asammdf <>`_) * .trc :class:`can.TRCReader` Gzip compressed files can be used as long as the original files suffix is one of the above (e.g. filename.asc.gz). Exposes a simple iterator interface, to use simply:: for msg in can.LogReader("some/path/to/my_file.log"): print(msg) :param filename: the filename/path of the file to read from :raises ValueError: if the filename's suffix is of an unknown file type .. note:: There are no time delays, if you want to reproduce the measured delays between messages look at the :class:`can.MessageSync` class. .. note:: This function itself is just a dispatcher, and any positional and keyword arguments are passed on to the returned instance. """ _update_reader_plugins() suffix = pathlib.PurePath(filename).suffix.lower() file_or_filename: AcceptedIOType = filename if suffix == ".gz": reader_type, file_or_filename = _decompress(filename) else: reader_type = _get_logger_for_suffix(suffix) return reader_type(file=file_or_filename, **kwargs)
[docs] class MessageSync: """ Used to iterate over some given messages in the recorded time. """ def __init__( self, messages: Iterable[Message], timestamps: bool = True, gap: float = 0.0001, skip: float = 60.0, ) -> None: """Creates an new **MessageSync** instance. :param messages: An iterable of :class:`can.Message` instances. :param timestamps: Use the messages' timestamps. If False, uses the *gap* parameter as the time between messages. :param gap: Minimum time between sent messages in seconds :param skip: Skip periods of inactivity greater than this (in seconds). Example:: import can with can.LogReader("my_logfile.asc") as reader, can.Bus(interface="virtual") as bus: for msg in can.MessageSync(messages=reader): print(msg) bus.send(msg) """ self.raw_messages = messages self.timestamps = timestamps = gap self.skip = skip def __iter__(self) -> Generator[Message, None, None]: t_wakeup = playback_start_time = time.perf_counter() recorded_start_time = None t_skipped = 0.0 for message in self.raw_messages: # Work out the correct wait time if self.timestamps: if recorded_start_time is None: recorded_start_time = message.timestamp t_wakeup = playback_start_time + ( message.timestamp - t_skipped - recorded_start_time ) else: t_wakeup += sleep_period = t_wakeup - time.perf_counter() if self.skip and sleep_period > self.skip: t_skipped += sleep_period - self.skip sleep_period = self.skip if sleep_period > 1e-4: time.sleep(sleep_period) yield message