Source code for

See the :class:`Logger` class.

import gzip
import os
import pathlib
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from datetime import datetime
from types import TracebackType
from typing import (

from typing_extensions import Self

from .._entry_points import read_entry_points
from ..message import Message
from ..typechecking import AcceptedIOType, FileLike, StringPathLike
from .asc import ASCWriter
from .blf import BLFWriter
from .canutils import CanutilsLogWriter
from .csv import CSVWriter
from .generic import (
from .mf4 import MF4Writer
from .printer import Printer
from .sqlite import SqliteWriter
from .trc import TRCWriter

#: A map of file suffixes to their corresponding
#: :class:`` class
MESSAGE_WRITERS: Final[Dict[str, Type[MessageWriter]]] = {
    ".asc": ASCWriter,
    ".blf": BLFWriter,
    ".csv": CSVWriter,
    ".db": SqliteWriter,
    ".log": CanutilsLogWriter,
    ".mf4": MF4Writer,
    ".trc": TRCWriter,
    ".txt": Printer,

def _update_writer_plugins() -> None:
    """Update available message writer plugins from entry points."""
    for entry_point in read_entry_points(""):
        if entry_point.key in MESSAGE_WRITERS:

        writer_class = entry_point.load()
        if issubclass(writer_class, MessageWriter):
            MESSAGE_WRITERS[entry_point.key] = writer_class

def _get_logger_for_suffix(suffix: str) -> Type[MessageWriter]:
        return MESSAGE_WRITERS[suffix]
    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError(
            f'No write support for unknown log format "{suffix}"'
        ) from None

def _compress(
    filename: StringPathLike, **kwargs: Any
) -> Tuple[Type[MessageWriter], FileLike]:
    Return the suffix and io object of the decompressed file.
    File will automatically recompress upon close.
    suffixes = pathlib.Path(filename).suffixes
    if len(suffixes) != 2:
        raise ValueError(
            f"No write support for unknown log format \"{''.join(suffixes)}\""
        ) from None

    real_suffix = suffixes[-2].lower()
    if real_suffix in (".blf", ".db"):
        raise ValueError(
            f"The file type {real_suffix} is currently incompatible with gzip."
    logger_type = _get_logger_for_suffix(real_suffix)
    append = kwargs.get("append", False)

    if issubclass(logger_type, BinaryIOMessageWriter):
        mode = "ab" if append else "wb"
        mode = "at" if append else "wt"

    return logger_type,, mode)

[docs] def Logger( # noqa: N802 filename: Optional[StringPathLike], **kwargs: Any ) -> MessageWriter: """Find and return the appropriate :class:`` instance for a given file suffix. The format is determined from the file suffix which can be one of: * .asc :class:`can.ASCWriter` * .blf :class:`can.BLFWriter` * .csv: :class:`can.CSVWriter` * .db :class:`can.SqliteWriter` * .log :class:`can.CanutilsLogWriter` * .mf4 :class:`can.MF4Writer` (optional, depends on `asammdf <>`_) * .trc :class:`can.TRCWriter` * .txt :class:`can.Printer` Any of these formats can be used with gzip compression by appending the suffix .gz (e.g. filename.asc.gz). However, third-party tools might not be able to read these files. The **filename** may also be *None*, to fall back to :class:`can.Printer`. The log files may be incomplete until `stop()` is called due to buffering. :param filename: the filename/path of the file to write to, may be a path-like object or None to instantiate a :class:`~can.Printer` :raises ValueError: if the filename's suffix is of an unknown file type .. note:: This function itself is just a dispatcher, and any positional and keyword arguments are passed on to the returned instance. """ if filename is None: return Printer(**kwargs) _update_writer_plugins() suffix = pathlib.PurePath(filename).suffix.lower() file_or_filename: AcceptedIOType = filename if suffix == ".gz": logger_type, file_or_filename = _compress(filename, **kwargs) else: logger_type = _get_logger_for_suffix(suffix) return logger_type(file=file_or_filename, **kwargs)
[docs] class BaseRotatingLogger(MessageWriter, ABC): """ Base class for rotating CAN loggers. This class is not meant to be instantiated directly. Subclasses must implement the :meth:`should_rollover` and :meth:`do_rollover` methods according to their rotation strategy. The rotation behavior can be further customized by the user by setting the :attr:`namer` and :attr:`rotator` attributes after instantiating the subclass. These attributes as well as the methods :meth:`rotation_filename` and :meth:`rotate` and the corresponding docstrings are carried over from the python builtin :class:`~logging.handlers.BaseRotatingHandler`. Subclasses must set the `_writer` attribute upon initialization. """ _supported_formats: ClassVar[Set[str]] = set() #: If this attribute is set to a callable, the :meth:`~BaseRotatingLogger.rotation_filename` #: method delegates to this callable. The parameters passed to the callable are #: those passed to :meth:`~BaseRotatingLogger.rotation_filename`. namer: Optional[Callable[[StringPathLike], StringPathLike]] = None #: If this attribute is set to a callable, the :meth:`~BaseRotatingLogger.rotate` method #: delegates to this callable. The parameters passed to the callable are those #: passed to :meth:`~BaseRotatingLogger.rotate`. rotator: Optional[Callable[[StringPathLike, StringPathLike], None]] = None #: An integer counter to track the number of rollovers. rollover_count: int = 0 def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(**{**kwargs, "file": None}) self.writer_kwargs = kwargs @property @abstractmethod def writer(self) -> FileIOMessageWriter: """This attribute holds an instance of a writer class which manages the actual file IO.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def rotation_filename(self, default_name: StringPathLike) -> StringPathLike: """Modify the filename of a log file when rotating. This is provided so that a custom filename can be provided. The default implementation calls the :attr:`namer` attribute of the handler, if it's callable, passing the default name to it. If the attribute isn't callable (the default is :obj:`None`), the name is returned unchanged. :param default_name: The default name for the log file. """ if not callable(self.namer): return default_name return self.namer(default_name) # pylint: disable=not-callable
[docs] def rotate(self, source: StringPathLike, dest: StringPathLike) -> None: """When rotating, rotate the current log. The default implementation calls the :attr:`rotator` attribute of the handler, if it's callable, passing the `source` and `dest` arguments to it. If the attribute isn't callable (the default is :obj:`None`), the source is simply renamed to the destination. :param source: The source filename. This is normally the base filename, e.g. `"test.log"` :param dest: The destination filename. This is normally what the source is rotated to, e.g. `"test_#001.log"`. """ if not callable(self.rotator): if os.path.exists(source): os.rename(source, dest) else: self.rotator(source, dest) # pylint: disable=not-callable
[docs] def on_message_received(self, msg: Message) -> None: """This method is called to handle the given message. :param msg: the delivered message """ if self.should_rollover(msg): self.do_rollover() self.rollover_count += 1 self.writer.on_message_received(msg)
def _get_new_writer(self, filename: StringPathLike) -> FileIOMessageWriter: """Instantiate a new writer. .. note:: The :attr:`self.writer` should be closed prior to calling this function. :param filename: Path-like object that specifies the location and name of the log file. The log file format is defined by the suffix of `filename`. :return: An instance of a writer class. """ suffix = "".join(pathlib.Path(filename).suffixes[-2:]).lower() if suffix in self._supported_formats: logger = Logger(filename=filename, **self.writer_kwargs) if isinstance(logger, FileIOMessageWriter): return logger elif isinstance(logger, Printer) and logger.file is not None: return cast(FileIOMessageWriter, logger) raise ValueError( f'The log format "{suffix}" ' f"is not supported by {self.__class__.__name__}. " f"{self.__class__.__name__} supports the following formats: " f"{', '.join(self._supported_formats)}" )
[docs] def stop(self) -> None: """Stop handling new messages. Carry out any final tasks to ensure data is persisted and cleanup any open resources. """ self.writer.stop()
def __enter__(self) -> Self: return self def __exit__( self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exc_val: Optional[BaseException], exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType], ) -> Literal[False]: return self.writer.__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
[docs] @abstractmethod def should_rollover(self, msg: Message) -> bool: """Determine if the rollover conditions are met."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def do_rollover(self) -> None: """Perform rollover."""
[docs] class SizedRotatingLogger(BaseRotatingLogger): """Log CAN messages to a sequence of files with a given maximum size. The logger creates a log file with the given `base_filename`. When the size threshold is reached the current log file is closed and renamed by adding a timestamp and the rollover count. A new log file is then created and written to. This behavior can be customized by setting the :attr:`` and :attr:`` attribute. Example:: from can import Notifier, SizedRotatingLogger from can.interfaces.vector import VectorBus bus = VectorBus(channel=[0], app_name="CANape", fd=True) logger = SizedRotatingLogger( base_filename="my_logfile.asc", max_bytes=5 * 1024 ** 2, # =5MB ) logger.rollover_count = 23 # start counter at 23 notifier = Notifier(bus=bus, listeners=[logger]) The SizedRotatingLogger currently supports the formats * .asc: :class:`can.ASCWriter` * .blf :class:`can.BLFWriter` * .csv: :class:`can.CSVWriter` * .log :class:`can.CanutilsLogWriter` * .txt :class:`can.Printer` (if pointing to a file) .. note:: The :class:`can.SqliteWriter` is not supported yet. The log files on disk may be incomplete due to buffering until :meth:`~can.Listener.stop` is called. """ _supported_formats: ClassVar[Set[str]] = {".asc", ".blf", ".csv", ".log", ".txt"} def __init__( self, base_filename: StringPathLike, max_bytes: int = 0, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """ :param base_filename: A path-like object for the base filename. The log file format is defined by the suffix of `base_filename`. :param max_bytes: The size threshold at which a new log file shall be created. If set to 0, no rollover will be performed. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.base_filename = os.path.abspath(base_filename) self.max_bytes = max_bytes self._writer = self._get_new_writer(self.base_filename) @property def writer(self) -> FileIOMessageWriter: return self._writer
[docs] def should_rollover(self, msg: Message) -> bool: if self.max_bytes <= 0: return False if self.writer.file_size() >= self.max_bytes: return True return False
[docs] def do_rollover(self) -> None: if self.writer: self.writer.stop() sfn = self.base_filename dfn = self.rotation_filename(self._default_name()) self.rotate(sfn, dfn) self._writer = self._get_new_writer(self.base_filename)
def _default_name(self) -> StringPathLike: """Generate the default rotation filename.""" path = pathlib.Path(self.base_filename) new_name = ( path.stem.split(".")[0] + "_" +"%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%S") + "_" + f"#{self.rollover_count:03}" + "".join(path.suffixes[-2:]) ) return str(path.parent / new_name)