Source code for can.interfaces.socketcand.socketcand

Interface to socketcand

Authors: Marvin Seiler, Gerrit Telkamp

Copyright (C) 2021  DOMOLOGIC GmbH
import logging
import os
import select
import socket
import time
import traceback
import urllib.parse as urlparselib
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from collections import deque
from typing import List

import can

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs] def detect_beacon(timeout_ms: int = 3100) -> List[can.typechecking.AutoDetectedConfig]: """ Detects socketcand servers This is what :meth:`can.detect_available_configs` ends up calling to search for available socketcand servers with a default timeout of 3100ms (socketcand sends a beacon packet every 3000ms). Using this method directly allows for adjusting the timeout. Extending the timeout beyond the default time period could be useful if UDP packet loss is a concern. :param timeout_ms: Timeout in milliseconds to wait for socketcand beacon packets :return: See :meth:`~can.detect_available_configs` """ with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) as sock: sock.bind( (DEFAULT_SOCKETCAND_DISCOVERY_ADDRESS, DEFAULT_SOCKETCAND_DISCOVERY_PORT) ) "Listening on for socketcand UDP advertisement on %s:%s", DEFAULT_SOCKETCAND_DISCOVERY_ADDRESS, DEFAULT_SOCKETCAND_DISCOVERY_PORT, ) now = time.time() * 1000 end_time = now + timeout_ms while (time.time() * 1000) < end_time: try: # get all sockets that are ready (can be a list with a single value # being self.socket or an empty list if self.socket is not ready) ready_receive_sockets, _, _ =[sock], [], [], 1) if not ready_receive_sockets: log.debug("No advertisement received") continue msg = sock.recv(1024).decode("utf-8") root = ET.fromstring(msg) if root.tag != "CANBeacon": log.debug("Unexpected message received over UDP") continue det_devs = [] det_host = None det_port = None for child in root: if child.tag == "Bus": bus_name = child.attrib["name"] det_devs.append(bus_name) elif child.tag == "URL": url = urlparselib.urlparse(child.text) det_host = url.hostname det_port = url.port if not det_devs: log.debug( "Got advertisement, but no SocketCAN devices advertised by socketcand" ) continue if (det_host is None) or (det_port is None): det_host = None det_port = None log.debug( "Got advertisement, but no SocketCAN URL advertised by socketcand" ) continue"Found SocketCAN devices: {det_devs}") return [ { "interface": "socketcand", "host": det_host, "port": det_port, "channel": channel, } for channel in det_devs ] except ET.ParseError: log.debug("Unexpected message received over UDP") continue except Exception as exc: # something bad happened (e.g. the interface went down) log.error(f"Failed to detect beacon: {exc} {traceback.format_exc()}") raise OSError( f"Failed to detect beacon: {exc} {traceback.format_exc()}" ) from exc return []
def convert_ascii_message_to_can_message(ascii_msg: str) -> can.Message: if not ascii_msg.startswith("< frame ") or not ascii_msg.endswith(" >"): log.warning(f"Could not parse ascii message: {ascii_msg}") return None else: # frame_string = ascii_msg.removeprefix("< frame ").removesuffix(" >") frame_string = ascii_msg[8:-2] parts = frame_string.split(" ", 3) can_id, timestamp = int(parts[0], 16), float(parts[1]) is_ext = len(parts[0]) != 3 data = bytearray.fromhex(parts[2]) can_dlc = len(data) can_message = can.Message( timestamp=timestamp, arbitration_id=can_id, data=data, dlc=can_dlc, is_extended_id=is_ext, is_rx=True, ) return can_message def convert_can_message_to_ascii_message(can_message: can.Message) -> str: # Note: socketcan bus adds extended flag, remote_frame_flag & error_flag to id # not sure if that is necessary here can_id = can_message.arbitration_id if can_message.is_extended_id: can_id_string = f"{(can_id&0x1FFFFFFF):08X}" else: can_id_string = f"{(can_id&0x7FF):03X}" # Note: seems like we cannot add CANFD_BRS (bitrate_switch) and CANFD_ESI (error_state_indicator) flags data = length = can_message.dlc bytes_string = " ".join(f"{x:x}" for x in data[0:length]) return f"< send {can_id_string} {length:X} {bytes_string} >" def connect_to_server(s, host, port): timeout_ms = 10000 now = time.time() * 1000 end_time = now + timeout_ms while now < end_time: try: s.connect((host, port)) return except Exception as e: log.warning(f"Failed to connect to server: {type(e)} Message: {e}") now = time.time() * 1000 raise TimeoutError( f"connect_to_server: Failed to connect server for {timeout_ms} ms" )
[docs] class SocketCanDaemonBus(can.BusABC): def __init__(self, channel, host, port, tcp_tune=False, can_filters=None, **kwargs): """Connects to a CAN bus served by socketcand. It implements :meth:`can.BusABC._detect_available_configs` to search for available interfaces. It will attempt to connect to the server for up to 10s, after which a TimeoutError exception will be thrown. If the handshake with the socketcand server fails, a CanError exception is thrown. :param channel: The can interface name served by socketcand. An example channel would be 'vcan0' or 'can0'. :param host: The host address of the socketcand server. :param port: The port of the socketcand server. :param tcp_tune: This tunes the TCP socket for low latency (TCP_NODELAY, and TCP_QUICKACK). This option is not available under windows. :param can_filters: See :meth:`can.BusABC.set_filters`. """ self.__host = host self.__port = port self.__tcp_tune = tcp_tune self.__socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) if self.__tcp_tune: if == "nt": self.__tcp_tune = False log.warning("'tcp_tune' not available in Windows. Setting to False") else: self.__socket.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1) self.__message_buffer = deque() self.__receive_buffer = "" # i know string is not the most efficient here = channel self.channel_info = f"socketcand on {channel}@{host}:{port}" connect_to_server(self.__socket, self.__host, self.__port) self._expect_msg("< hi >") f"SocketCanDaemonBus: connected with address {self.__socket.getsockname()}" ) self._tcp_send(f"< open {channel} >") self._expect_msg("< ok >") self._tcp_send("< rawmode >") self._expect_msg("< ok >") super().__init__(channel=channel, can_filters=can_filters, **kwargs) def _recv_internal(self, timeout): if len(self.__message_buffer) != 0: can_message = self.__message_buffer.popleft() return can_message, False try: # get all sockets that are ready (can be a list with a single value # being self.socket or an empty list if self.socket is not ready) ready_receive_sockets, _, _ = [self.__socket], [], [], timeout ) except OSError as exc: # something bad happened (e.g. the interface went down) log.error(f"Failed to receive: {exc}") raise can.CanError(f"Failed to receive: {exc}") from exc try: if not ready_receive_sockets: # socket wasn't readable or timeout occurred log.debug("Socket not ready") return None, False ascii_msg = self.__socket.recv(1024).decode( "ascii" ) # may contain multiple messages if self.__tcp_tune: self.__socket.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_QUICKACK, 1) self.__receive_buffer += ascii_msg log.debug(f"Received Ascii Message: {ascii_msg}") buffer_view = self.__receive_buffer chars_processed_successfully = 0 while True: if len(buffer_view) == 0: break start = buffer_view.find("<") if start == -1: log.warning( f"Bad data: No opening < found => discarding entire buffer '{buffer_view}'" ) chars_processed_successfully = len(self.__receive_buffer) break end = buffer_view.find(">") if end == -1: log.warning("Got incomplete message => waiting for more data") if len(buffer_view) > 200: log.warning( "Incomplete message exceeds 200 chars => Discarding" ) chars_processed_successfully = len(self.__receive_buffer) break chars_processed_successfully += end + 1 single_message = buffer_view[start : end + 1] parsed_can_message = convert_ascii_message_to_can_message( single_message ) if parsed_can_message is None: log.warning(f"Invalid Frame: {single_message}") else: = self.__message_buffer.append(parsed_can_message) buffer_view = buffer_view[end + 1 :] self.__receive_buffer = self.__receive_buffer[chars_processed_successfully:] can_message = ( None if len(self.__message_buffer) == 0 else self.__message_buffer.popleft() ) return can_message, False except Exception as exc: log.error(f"Failed to receive: {exc} {traceback.format_exc()}") raise can.CanError( f"Failed to receive: {exc} {traceback.format_exc()}" ) from exc def _tcp_send(self, msg: str): log.debug(f"Sending TCP Message: '{msg}'") self.__socket.sendall(msg.encode("ascii")) if self.__tcp_tune: self.__socket.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_QUICKACK, 1) def _expect_msg(self, msg): ascii_msg = self.__socket.recv(256).decode("ascii") if self.__tcp_tune: self.__socket.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_QUICKACK, 1) if not ascii_msg == msg: raise can.CanError(f"{msg} message expected!")
[docs] def send(self, msg, timeout=None): """Transmit a message to the CAN bus. :param msg: A message object. :param timeout: Ignored """ ascii_msg = convert_can_message_to_ascii_message(msg) self._tcp_send(ascii_msg)
[docs] def shutdown(self): """Stops all active periodic tasks and closes the socket.""" super().shutdown() self.__socket.close()
@staticmethod def _detect_available_configs() -> List[can.typechecking.AutoDetectedConfig]: try: return detect_beacon() except Exception as e: log.warning(f"Could not detect socketcand beacon: {e}") return []