Source code for can.interfaces.slcan

Interface for slcan compatible interfaces (win32/linux).

from typing import Any, Optional, Tuple

import io
import time
import logging

from can import BusABC, Message
from ..exceptions import (
from can import typechecking

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    import serial
except ImportError:
        "You won't be able to use the slcan can backend without "
        "the serial module installed!"
    serial = None

[docs]class slcanBus(BusABC): """ slcan interface """ # the supported bitrates and their commands _BITRATES = { 10000: "S0", 20000: "S1", 50000: "S2", 100000: "S3", 125000: "S4", 250000: "S5", 500000: "S6", 750000: "S7", 1000000: "S8", 83300: "S9", } _SLEEP_AFTER_SERIAL_OPEN = 2 # in seconds _OK = b"\r" _ERROR = b"\a" LINE_TERMINATOR = b"\r" def __init__( self, channel: typechecking.ChannelStr, ttyBaudrate: int = 115200, bitrate: Optional[int] = None, btr: Optional[str] = None, sleep_after_open: float = _SLEEP_AFTER_SERIAL_OPEN, rtscts: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """ :param str channel: port of underlying serial or usb device (e.g. ``/dev/ttyUSB0``, ``COM8``, ...) Must not be empty. Can also end with ``@115200`` (or similarly) to specify the baudrate. :param int ttyBaudrate: baudrate of underlying serial or usb device (Ignored if set via the ``channel`` parameter) :param bitrate: Bitrate in bit/s :param btr: BTR register value to set custom can speed :param poll_interval: Poll interval in seconds when reading messages :param sleep_after_open: Time to wait in seconds after opening serial connection :param rtscts: turn hardware handshake (RTS/CTS) on and off :raise ValueError: if both ``bitrate`` and ``btr`` are set or the channel is invalid :raise CanInterfaceNotImplementedError: if the serial module is missing :raise CanInitializationError: if the underlying serial connection could not be established """ if serial is None: raise CanInterfaceNotImplementedError("The serial module is not installed") if not channel: # if None or empty raise ValueError("Must specify a serial port.") if "@" in channel: (channel, baudrate) = channel.split("@") ttyBaudrate = int(baudrate) with error_check(exception_type=CanInitializationError): self.serialPortOrig = serial.serial_for_url( channel, baudrate=ttyBaudrate, rtscts=rtscts ) self._buffer = bytearray() time.sleep(sleep_after_open) with error_check(exception_type=CanInitializationError): if bitrate is not None and btr is not None: raise ValueError("Bitrate and btr mutually exclusive.") if bitrate is not None: self.set_bitrate(bitrate) if btr is not None: self.set_bitrate_reg(btr) super().__init__( channel, ttyBaudrate=115200, bitrate=None, rtscts=False, **kwargs )
[docs] def set_bitrate(self, bitrate: int) -> None: """ :param bitrate: Bitrate in bit/s :raise ValueError: if ``bitrate`` is not among the possible values """ if bitrate in self._BITRATES: bitrate_code = self._BITRATES[bitrate] else: bitrates = ", ".join(str(k) for k in self._BITRATES.keys()) raise ValueError(f"Invalid bitrate, choose one of {bitrates}.") self.close() self._write(bitrate_code)
[docs] def set_bitrate_reg(self, btr: str) -> None: """ :param btr: BTR register value to set custom can speed """ self.close() self._write("s" + btr)
def _write(self, string: str) -> None: with error_check("Could not write to serial device"): self.serialPortOrig.write(string.encode() + self.LINE_TERMINATOR) self.serialPortOrig.flush() def _read(self, timeout: Optional[float]) -> Optional[str]: with error_check("Could not read from serial device"): # first read what is already in receive buffer while self.serialPortOrig.in_waiting: self._buffer += # if we still don't have a complete message, do a blocking read start = time.time() time_left = timeout while not ( ord(self._OK) in self._buffer or ord(self._ERROR) in self._buffer ): self.serialPortOrig.timeout = time_left byte = if byte: self._buffer += byte # if timeout is None, try indefinitely if timeout is None: continue # try next one only if there still is time, and with # reduced timeout else: time_left = timeout - (time.time() - start) if time_left > 0: continue else: return None # return first message for i in range(len(self._buffer)): if self._buffer[i] == ord(self._OK) or self._buffer[i] == ord(self._ERROR): string = self._buffer[: i + 1].decode() del self._buffer[: i + 1] break return string def flush(self) -> None: del self._buffer[:] with error_check("Could not flush"): while self.serialPortOrig.in_waiting: def open(self) -> None: self._write("O") def close(self) -> None: self._write("C") def _recv_internal( self, timeout: Optional[float] ) -> Tuple[Optional[Message], bool]: canId = None remote = False extended = False frame = [] string = self._read(timeout) if not string: pass elif string[0] == "T": # extended frame canId = int(string[1:9], 16) dlc = int(string[9]) extended = True for i in range(0, dlc): frame.append(int(string[10 + i * 2 : 12 + i * 2], 16)) elif string[0] == "t": # normal frame canId = int(string[1:4], 16) dlc = int(string[4]) for i in range(0, dlc): frame.append(int(string[5 + i * 2 : 7 + i * 2], 16)) elif string[0] == "r": # remote frame canId = int(string[1:4], 16) dlc = int(string[4]) remote = True elif string[0] == "R": # remote extended frame canId = int(string[1:9], 16) dlc = int(string[9]) extended = True remote = True if canId is not None: msg = Message( arbitration_id=canId, is_extended_id=extended, timestamp=time.time(), # Better than nothing... is_remote_frame=remote, dlc=dlc, data=frame, ) return msg, False return None, False
[docs] def send(self, msg: Message, timeout: Optional[float] = None) -> None: if timeout != self.serialPortOrig.write_timeout: self.serialPortOrig.write_timeout = timeout if msg.is_remote_frame: if msg.is_extended_id: sendStr = "R%08X%d" % (msg.arbitration_id, msg.dlc) else: sendStr = "r%03X%d" % (msg.arbitration_id, msg.dlc) else: if msg.is_extended_id: sendStr = "T%08X%d" % (msg.arbitration_id, msg.dlc) else: sendStr = "t%03X%d" % (msg.arbitration_id, msg.dlc) sendStr += "".join(["%02X" % b for b in]) self._write(sendStr)
[docs] def shutdown(self) -> None: super().shutdown() self.close() with error_check("Could not close serial socket"): self.serialPortOrig.close()
def fileno(self) -> int: try: return self.serialPortOrig.fileno() except io.UnsupportedOperation: raise NotImplementedError( "fileno is not implemented using current CAN bus on this platform" ) except Exception as exception: raise CanOperationError("Cannot fetch fileno") from exception
[docs] def get_version( self, timeout: Optional[float] ) -> Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[int]]: """Get HW and SW version of the slcan interface. :param timeout: seconds to wait for version or None to wait indefinitely :returns: tuple (hw_version, sw_version) WHERE int hw_version is the hardware version or None on timeout int sw_version is the software version or None on timeout """ cmd = "V" self._write(cmd) start = time.time() time_left = timeout while True: string = self._read(time_left) if not string: pass elif string[0] == cmd and len(string) == 6: # convert ASCII coded version hw_version = int(string[1:3]) sw_version = int(string[3:5]) return hw_version, sw_version # if timeout is None, try indefinitely if timeout is None: continue # try next one only if there still is time, and with # reduced timeout else: time_left = timeout - (time.time() - start) if time_left > 0: continue else: return None, None
[docs] def get_serial_number(self, timeout: Optional[float]) -> Optional[str]: """Get serial number of the slcan interface. :param timeout: seconds to wait for serial number or ``None`` to wait indefinitely :return: ``None`` on timeout or a :class:`~builtin.str` object. """ cmd = "N" self._write(cmd) start = time.time() time_left = timeout while True: string = self._read(time_left) if not string: pass elif string[0] == cmd and len(string) == 6: serial_number = string[1:-1] return serial_number # if timeout is None, try indefinitely if timeout is None: continue # try next one only if there still is time, and with # reduced timeout else: time_left = timeout - (time.time() - start) if time_left > 0: continue else: return None