Source code for can.interfaces.canalystii

import warnings
from ctypes import *
import logging
import platform
from can import BusABC, Message

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class VCI_INIT_CONFIG(Structure):
    _fields_ = [("AccCode", c_int32),
                ("AccMask", c_int32),
                ("Reserved", c_int32),
                ("Filter", c_ubyte),
                ("Timing0", c_ubyte),
                ("Timing1", c_ubyte),
                ("Mode", c_ubyte)]

class VCI_CAN_OBJ(Structure):
    _fields_ = [("ID", c_uint),
                ("TimeStamp", c_int),
                ("TimeFlag", c_byte),
                ("SendType", c_byte),
                ("RemoteFlag", c_byte),
                ("ExternFlag", c_byte),
                ("DataLen", c_byte),
                ("Data", c_ubyte * 8),
                ("Reserved", c_byte * 3)]


STATUS_OK = 0x01

    5000: (0xBF, 0xFF),
    10000: (0x31, 0x1C),
    20000: (0x18, 0x1C),
    33330: (0x09, 0x6F),
    40000: (0x87, 0xFF),
    50000: (0x09, 0x1C),
    66660: (0x04, 0x6F),
    80000: (0x83, 0xFF),
    83330: (0x03, 0x6F),
    100000: (0x04, 0x1C),
    125000: (0x03, 0x1C),
    200000: (0x81, 0xFA),
    250000: (0x01, 0x1C),
    400000: (0x80, 0xFA),
    500000: (0x00, 0x1C),
    666000: (0x80, 0xB6),
    800000: (0x00, 0x16),
    1000000: (0x00, 0x14),

    if platform.system() == "Windows":
        CANalystII = WinDLL("./ControlCAN.dll")
        CANalystII = CDLL("./")"Loaded CANalystII library")
except OSError as e:
    CANalystII = None"Cannot load CANalystII library")

[docs]class CANalystIIBus(BusABC): def __init__( self, channel, device=0, bitrate=None, baud=None, Timing0=None, Timing1=None, can_filters=None, **kwargs ): """ :param channel: channel number :param device: device number :param baud: baud rate. Renamed to bitrate in next release. :param Timing0: customize the timing register if baudrate is not specified :param Timing1: :param can_filters: filters for packet """ super(CANalystIIBus, self).__init__(channel, can_filters, **kwargs) if isinstance(channel, (list, tuple)): self.channels = channel elif isinstance(channel, int): self.channels = [channel] else: # Assume comma separated string of channels self.channels = [int(ch.strip()) for ch in channel.split(',')] self.device = device self.channel_info = "CANalyst-II: device {}, channels {}".format(self.device, self.channels) if baud is not None: warnings.warn('Argument baud will be deprecated in version 4, use bitrate instead', PendingDeprecationWarning) bitrate = baud if bitrate is not None: try: Timing0, Timing1 = TIMING_DICT[bitrate] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Bitrate is not supported") if Timing0 is None or Timing1 is None: raise ValueError("Timing registers are not set") self.init_config = VCI_INIT_CONFIG(0, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 1, Timing0, Timing1, 0) if CANalystII.VCI_OpenDevice(VCI_USBCAN2, self.device, 0) == STATUS_ERR: logger.error("VCI_OpenDevice Error") for channel in self.channels: if CANalystII.VCI_InitCAN(VCI_USBCAN2, self.device, channel, byref(self.init_config)) == STATUS_ERR: logger.error("VCI_InitCAN Error") self.shutdown() return if CANalystII.VCI_StartCAN(VCI_USBCAN2, self.device, channel) == STATUS_ERR: logger.error("VCI_StartCAN Error") self.shutdown() return
[docs] def send(self, msg, timeout=None): """ :param msg: message to send :param timeout: timeout is not used here :return: """ extern_flag = 1 if msg.is_extended_id else 0 raw_message = VCI_CAN_OBJ(msg.arbitration_id, 0, 0, 1, msg.is_remote_frame, extern_flag, msg.dlc, (c_ubyte * 8)(*, (c_byte * 3)(*[0, 0, 0])) if is not None: channel = elif len(self.channels) == 1: channel = self.channels[0] else: raise ValueError( " must be set when using multiple channels.") CANalystII.VCI_Transmit(VCI_USBCAN2, self.device, channel, byref(raw_message), 1)
def _recv_internal(self, timeout=None): """ :param timeout: float in seconds :return: """ raw_message = VCI_CAN_OBJ() timeout = -1 if timeout is None else int(timeout * 1000) if CANalystII.VCI_Receive(VCI_USBCAN2, self.device, self.channels[0], byref(raw_message), 1, timeout) <= STATUS_ERR: return None, False else: return ( Message( timestamp=raw_message.TimeStamp if raw_message.TimeFlag else 0.0, arbitration_id=raw_message.ID, is_remote_frame=raw_message.RemoteFlag, channel=0, dlc=raw_message.DataLen, data=raw_message.Data, ), False, )
[docs] def flush_tx_buffer(self): for channel in self.channels: CANalystII.VCI_ClearBuffer(VCI_USBCAN2, self.device, channel)
[docs] def shutdown(self): CANalystII.VCI_CloseDevice(VCI_USBCAN2, self.device)