Source code for can.interfaces.usb2can.usb2canInterface

# coding: utf-8

This interface is for windows only, otherwise use socketCAN.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division

import logging

from can import BusABC, Message
from .usb2canabstractionlayer import *

bootTimeEpoch = 0
    import uptime
    import datetime

    bootTimeEpoch = (uptime.boottime() - datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)).total_seconds()
    bootTimeEpoch = 0

# Set up logging
log = logging.getLogger('can.usb2can')

def format_connection_string(deviceID, baudrate='500'):
    """setup the string for the device

    config = deviceID + '; ' + baudrate
    return "%s; %s" % (deviceID, baudrate)

def message_convert_tx(msg):
    messagetx = CanalMsg()

    length = len(
    messagetx.sizeData = length = msg.arbitration_id

    for i in range(length):[i] =[i]

    messagetx.flags = 0x80000000

    if msg.is_error_frame:
        messagetx.flags |= IS_ERROR_FRAME

    if msg.is_remote_frame:
        messagetx.flags |= IS_REMOTE_FRAME

    if msg.is_extended_id:
        messagetx.flags |= IS_ID_TYPE

    return messagetx

def message_convert_rx(messagerx):
    """convert the message from the CANAL type to pythoncan type"""
    ID_TYPE = bool(messagerx.flags & IS_ID_TYPE)
    REMOTE_FRAME = bool(messagerx.flags & IS_REMOTE_FRAME)
    ERROR_FRAME = bool(messagerx.flags & IS_ERROR_FRAME)

    msgrx = Message(timestamp=messagerx.timestamp,

    return msgrx

[docs]class Usb2canBus(BusABC): """Interface to a USB2CAN Bus. :param str channel: The device's serial number. If not provided, Windows Management Instrumentation will be used to identify the first such device. The *kwarg* `serial` may also be used. :param int bitrate: Bitrate of channel in bit/s. Values will be limited to a maximum of 1000 Kb/s. Default is 500 Kbs :param int flags: Flags to directly pass to open function of the usb2can abstraction layer. """ def __init__(self, channel, *args, **kwargs): self.can = Usb2CanAbstractionLayer() # set flags on the connection if 'flags' in kwargs: enable_flags = kwargs["flags"] else: enable_flags = 0x00000008 # code to get the serial number of the device if 'serial' in kwargs: deviceID = kwargs["serial"] elif channel is not None: deviceID = channel else: from can.interfaces.usb2can.serial_selector import serial deviceID = serial() # get baudrate in b/s from bitrate or use default bitrate = kwargs.get("bitrate", 500000) # convert to kb/s (eg:500000 bitrate must be 500), max rate is 1000 kb/s baudrate = min(1000, int(bitrate/1000)) connector = format_connection_string(deviceID, baudrate) self.handle ='utf-8'), enable_flags) super(Usb2canBus, self).__init__(channel=channel, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def send(self, msg, timeout=None): tx = message_convert_tx(msg) if timeout: self.can.blocking_send(self.handle, byref(tx), int(timeout * 1000)) else: self.can.send(self.handle, byref(tx))
def _recv_internal(self, timeout): messagerx = CanalMsg() if timeout == 0: status = self.can.receive(self.handle, byref(messagerx)) else: time = 0 if timeout is None else int(timeout * 1000) status = self.can.blocking_receive(self.handle, byref(messagerx), time) if status == 0: rx = message_convert_rx(messagerx) elif status == 19 or status == 32: # CANAL_ERROR_RCV_EMPTY or CANAL_ERROR_TIMEOUT rx = None else: log.error('Canal Error %s', status) rx = None return rx, False
[docs] def shutdown(self): """Shut down the device safely""" # TODO handle error status = self.can.close(self.handle)