Source code for can.interfaces.slcan

# coding: utf-8

Interface for slcan compatible interfaces (win32/linux).

.. note::

    Linux users can use slcand or socketcan as well.


from __future__ import absolute_import

import time
import logging

from can import BusABC, Message

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    import serial
except ImportError:
    logger.warning("You won't be able to use the slcan can backend without "
                   "the serial module installed!")
    serial = None

[docs]class slcanBus(BusABC): """ slcan interface """ # the supported bitrates and their commands _BITRATES = { 10000: 'S0', 20000: 'S1', 50000: 'S2', 100000: 'S3', 125000: 'S4', 250000: 'S5', 500000: 'S6', 750000: 'S7', 1000000: 'S8', 83300: 'S9' } _SLEEP_AFTER_SERIAL_OPEN = 2 # in seconds LINE_TERMINATOR = b'\r' def __init__(self, channel, ttyBaudrate=115200, bitrate=None, sleep_after_open=_SLEEP_AFTER_SERIAL_OPEN, rtscts=False, **kwargs): """ :param str channel: port of underlying serial or usb device (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0, COM8, ...) Must not be empty. :param int ttyBaudrate: baudrate of underlying serial or usb device :param int bitrate: Bitrate in bit/s :param float poll_interval: Poll interval in seconds when reading messages :param float sleep_after_open: Time to wait in seconds after opening serial connection :param bool rtscts: turn hardware handshake (RTS/CTS) on and off """ if not channel: # if None or empty raise TypeError("Must specify a serial port.") if '@' in channel: (channel, ttyBaudrate) = channel.split('@') self.serialPortOrig = serial.serial_for_url( channel, baudrate=ttyBaudrate, rtscts=rtscts) self._buffer = bytearray() time.sleep(sleep_after_open) if bitrate is not None: self.close() if bitrate in self._BITRATES: self.write(self._BITRATES[bitrate]) else: raise ValueError("Invalid bitrate, choose one of " + (', '.join(self._BITRATES)) + '.') super(slcanBus, self).__init__(channel, ttyBaudrate=115200, bitrate=None, rtscts=False, **kwargs) def write(self, string): self.serialPortOrig.write(string.encode() + self.LINE_TERMINATOR) self.serialPortOrig.flush() def open(self): self.write('O') def close(self): self.write('C') def _recv_internal(self, timeout): if timeout != self.serialPortOrig.timeout: self.serialPortOrig.timeout = timeout canId = None remote = False extended = False frame = [] # First read what is already in the receive buffer while (self.serialPortOrig.in_waiting and self.LINE_TERMINATOR not in self._buffer): self._buffer += # If we still don't have a complete message, do a blocking read if self.LINE_TERMINATOR not in self._buffer: self._buffer += self.serialPortOrig.read_until(self.LINE_TERMINATOR) if self.LINE_TERMINATOR not in self._buffer: # Timed out return None, False readStr = self._buffer.decode() del self._buffer[:] if not readStr: pass elif readStr[0] == 'T': # extended frame canId = int(readStr[1:9], 16) dlc = int(readStr[9]) extended = True for i in range(0, dlc): frame.append(int(readStr[10 + i * 2:12 + i * 2], 16)) elif readStr[0] == 't': # normal frame canId = int(readStr[1:4], 16) dlc = int(readStr[4]) for i in range(0, dlc): frame.append(int(readStr[5 + i * 2:7 + i * 2], 16)) elif readStr[0] == 'r': # remote frame canId = int(readStr[1:4], 16) dlc = int(readStr[4]) remote = True elif readStr[0] == 'R': # remote extended frame canId = int(readStr[1:9], 16) dlc = int(readStr[9]) extended = True remote = True if canId is not None: msg = Message(arbitration_id=canId, is_extended_id=extended, timestamp=time.time(), # Better than nothing... is_remote_frame=remote, dlc=dlc, data=frame) return msg, False return None, False
[docs] def send(self, msg, timeout=None): if timeout != self.serialPortOrig.write_timeout: self.serialPortOrig.write_timeout = timeout if msg.is_remote_frame: if msg.is_extended_id: sendStr = "R%08X%d" % (msg.arbitration_id, msg.dlc) else: sendStr = "r%03X%d" % (msg.arbitration_id, msg.dlc) else: if msg.is_extended_id: sendStr = "T%08X%d" % (msg.arbitration_id, msg.dlc) else: sendStr = "t%03X%d" % (msg.arbitration_id, msg.dlc) sendStr += "".join(["%02X" % b for b in]) self.write(sendStr)
[docs] def shutdown(self): self.close() self.serialPortOrig.close()
def fileno(self): if hasattr(self.serialPortOrig, 'fileno'): return self.serialPortOrig.fileno() # Return an invalid file descriptor on Windows return -1