Source code for can.message

# coding: utf-8

This module contains the implementation of :class:`can.Message`.

.. note::
    Could use `@dataclass <>`__
    starting with Python 3.7.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division
import warnings

[docs]class Message(object): """ The :class:`~can.Message` object is used to represent CAN messages for sending, receiving and other purposes like converting between different logging formats. Messages can use extended identifiers, be remote or error frames, contain data and may be associated to a channel. Messages are always compared by identity and never by value, because that may introduce unexpected behaviour. See also :meth:`~can.Message.equals`. :func:`~copy.copy`/:func:`~copy.deepcopy` is supported as well. Messages do not support "dynamic" attributes, meaning any others that the documented ones. """ __slots__ = ( "timestamp", "arbitration_id", "is_extended_id", "is_remote_frame", "is_error_frame", "channel", "dlc", "data", "is_fd", "bitrate_switch", "error_state_indicator", "__weakref__", # support weak references to messages "_dict" # see __getattr__ ) def __getattr__(self, key): # TODO keep this for a version, in order to not break old code # this entire method (as well as the _dict attribute in __slots__ and the __setattr__ method) # can be removed in 4.0 # this method is only called if the attribute was not found elsewhere, like in __slots__ try: warnings.warn("Custom attributes of messages are deprecated and will be removed in the next major version", DeprecationWarning) return self._dict[key] except KeyError: raise AttributeError("'message' object has no attribute '{}'".format(key)) def __setattr__(self, key, value): # see __getattr__ try: super(Message, self).__setattr__(key, value) except AttributeError: warnings.warn("Custom attributes of messages are deprecated and will be removed in the next major version", DeprecationWarning) self._dict[key] = value @property def id_type(self): # TODO remove in 4.0 warnings.warn("Message.id_type is deprecated, use is_extended_id", DeprecationWarning) return self.is_extended_id @id_type.setter def id_type(self, value): # TODO remove in 4.0 warnings.warn("Message.id_type is deprecated, use is_extended_id", DeprecationWarning) self.is_extended_id = value def __init__(self, timestamp=0.0, arbitration_id=0, is_extended_id=None, is_remote_frame=False, is_error_frame=False, channel=None, dlc=None, data=None, is_fd=False, bitrate_switch=False, error_state_indicator=False, extended_id=True, check=False): """ To create a message object, simply provide any of the below attributes together with additional parameters as keyword arguments to the constructor. :param bool check: By default, the constructor of this class does not strictly check the input. Thus, the caller must prevent the creation of invalid messages or set this parameter to `True`, to raise an Error on invalid inputs. Possible problems include the `dlc` field not matching the length of `data` or creating a message with both `is_remote_frame` and `is_error_frame` set to `True`. :raises ValueError: iff `check` is set to `True` and one or more arguments were invalid """ self._dict = dict() # see __getattr__ self.timestamp = timestamp self.arbitration_id = arbitration_id if is_extended_id is not None: self.is_extended_id = is_extended_id else: self.is_extended_id = extended_id self.is_remote_frame = is_remote_frame self.is_error_frame = is_error_frame = channel self.is_fd = is_fd self.bitrate_switch = bitrate_switch self.error_state_indicator = error_state_indicator if data is None or is_remote_frame: = bytearray() elif isinstance(data, bytearray): = data else: try: = bytearray(data) except TypeError: err = "Couldn't create message from {} ({})".format(data, type(data)) raise TypeError(err) if dlc is None: self.dlc = len( else: self.dlc = dlc if check: self._check()
[docs] def __str__(self): field_strings = ["Timestamp: {0:>15.6f}".format(self.timestamp)] if self.is_extended_id: arbitration_id_string = "ID: {0:08x}".format(self.arbitration_id) else: arbitration_id_string = "ID: {0:04x}".format(self.arbitration_id) field_strings.append(arbitration_id_string.rjust(12, " ")) flag_string = " ".join([ "X" if self.is_extended_id else "S", "E" if self.is_error_frame else " ", "R" if self.is_remote_frame else " ", "F" if self.is_fd else " ", "BS" if self.bitrate_switch else " ", "EI" if self.error_state_indicator else " " ]) field_strings.append(flag_string) field_strings.append("DLC: {0:2d}".format(self.dlc)) data_strings = [] if is not None: for index in range(0, min(self.dlc, len( data_strings.append("{0:02x}".format([index])) if data_strings: # if not empty field_strings.append(" ".join(data_strings).ljust(24, " ")) else: field_strings.append(" " * 24) if ( is not None) and ( try: field_strings.append("'{}'".format('utf-8'))) except UnicodeError: pass if is not None: field_strings.append("Channel: {}".format( return " ".join(field_strings).strip()
def __len__(self): return len( def __bool__(self): # For Python 3 return True def __nonzero__(self): # For Python 2 return self.__bool__() def __repr__(self): args = ["timestamp={}".format(self.timestamp), "arbitration_id={:#x}".format(self.arbitration_id), "extended_id={}".format(self.is_extended_id)] if self.is_remote_frame: args.append("is_remote_frame={}".format(self.is_remote_frame)) if self.is_error_frame: args.append("is_error_frame={}".format(self.is_error_frame)) if is not None: args.append("channel={!r}".format( data = ["{:#02x}".format(byte) for byte in] args += ["dlc={}".format(self.dlc), "data=[{}]".format(", ".join(data))] if self.is_fd: args.append("is_fd=True") args.append("bitrate_switch={}".format(self.bitrate_switch)) args.append("error_state_indicator={}".format(self.error_state_indicator)) return "can.Message({})".format(", ".join(args)) def __format__(self, format_spec): if not format_spec: return self.__str__() else: raise ValueError("non empty format_specs are not supported") def __bytes__(self): return bytes( def __copy__(self): new = Message( timestamp=self.timestamp, arbitration_id=self.arbitration_id, extended_id=self.is_extended_id, is_remote_frame=self.is_remote_frame, is_error_frame=self.is_error_frame,, dlc=self.dlc,, is_fd=self.is_fd, bitrate_switch=self.bitrate_switch, error_state_indicator=self.error_state_indicator ) new._dict.update(self._dict) return new def __deepcopy__(self, memo): new = Message( timestamp=self.timestamp, arbitration_id=self.arbitration_id, extended_id=self.is_extended_id, is_remote_frame=self.is_remote_frame, is_error_frame=self.is_error_frame, channel=deepcopy(, memo), dlc=self.dlc, data=deepcopy(, memo), is_fd=self.is_fd, bitrate_switch=self.bitrate_switch, error_state_indicator=self.error_state_indicator ) new._dict.update(self._dict) return new def _check(self): """Checks if the message parameters are valid. Assumes that the types are already correct. :raises AssertionError: iff one or more attributes are invalid """ assert 0.0 <= self.timestamp, "the timestamp may not be negative" assert not (self.is_remote_frame and self.is_error_frame), \ "a message cannot be a remote and an error frame at the sane time" assert 0 <= self.arbitration_id, "arbitration IDs may not be negative" if self.is_extended_id: assert self.arbitration_id < 0x20000000, "Extended arbitration IDs must be less than 2^29" else: assert self.arbitration_id < 0x800, "Normal arbitration IDs must be less than 2^11" assert 0 <= self.dlc, "DLC may not be negative" if self.is_fd: assert self.dlc <= 64, "DLC was {} but it should be <= 64 for CAN FD frames".format(self.dlc) else: assert self.dlc <= 8, "DLC was {} but it should be <= 8 for normal CAN frames".format(self.dlc) if not self.is_remote_frame: assert self.dlc == len(, "the length of the DLC and the length of the data must match up" if not self.is_fd: assert not self.bitrate_switch, "bitrate switch is only allowed for CAN FD frames" assert not self.error_state_indicator, "error stat indicator is only allowed for CAN FD frames"
[docs] def equals(self, other, timestamp_delta=1.0e-6): """ Compares a given message with this one. :param can.Message other: the message to compare with :type timestamp_delta: float or int or None :param timestamp_delta: the maximum difference at which two timestamps are still considered equal or None to not compare timestamps :rtype: bool :return: True iff the given message equals this one """ # see for a discussion # on why a delta of 1.0e-6 was chosen return ( # check for identity first self is other or # then check for equality by value ( ( timestamp_delta is None or abs(self.timestamp - other.timestamp) <= timestamp_delta ) and self.arbitration_id == other.arbitration_id and self.is_extended_id == other.is_extended_id and self.dlc == other.dlc and == and self.is_remote_frame == other.is_remote_frame and self.is_error_frame == other.is_error_frame and == and self.is_fd == other.is_fd and self.bitrate_switch == other.bitrate_switch and self.error_state_indicator == other.error_state_indicator ) )