Source code for can.listener

# coding: utf-8

This module contains the implementation of `can.Listener` and some readers.

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

    # Python 3.7
    from queue import SimpleQueue, Empty
except ImportError:
        # Python 3.0 - 3.6
        from queue import Queue as SimpleQueue, Empty
    except ImportError:
        # Python 2
        from Queue import Queue as SimpleQueue, Empty

    import asyncio
except ImportError:
    asyncio = None

[docs]class Listener(object): """The basic listener that can be called directly to handle some CAN message:: listener = SomeListener() msg = my_bus.recv() # now either call listener(msg) # or listener.on_message_received(msg) """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
[docs] @abstractmethod def on_message_received(self, msg): """This method is called to handle the given message. :param can.Message msg: the delivered message """ pass
def __call__(self, msg): return self.on_message_received(msg)
[docs] def on_error(self, exc): """This method is called to handle any exception in the receive thread. :param Exception exc: The exception causing the thread to stop """
[docs] def stop(self): """ Override to cleanup any open resources. """
class RedirectReader(Listener): """ A RedirectReader sends all received messages to another Bus. """ def __init__(self, bus): self.bus = bus def on_message_received(self, msg): self.bus.send(msg)
[docs]class BufferedReader(Listener): """ A BufferedReader is a subclass of :class:`~can.Listener` which implements a **message buffer**: that is, when the :class:`can.BufferedReader` instance is notified of a new message it pushes it into a queue of messages waiting to be serviced. The messages can then be fetched with :meth:`~can.BufferedReader.get_message`. Putting in messages after :meth:`~can.BufferedReader.stop` has be called will raise an exception, see :meth:`~can.BufferedReader.on_message_received`. :attr bool is_stopped: ``True`` iff the reader has been stopped """ def __init__(self): # set to "infinite" size self.buffer = SimpleQueue() self.is_stopped = False
[docs] def on_message_received(self, msg): """Append a message to the buffer. :raises: BufferError if the reader has already been stopped """ if self.is_stopped: raise RuntimeError("reader has already been stopped") else: self.buffer.put(msg)
[docs] def get_message(self, timeout=0.5): """ Attempts to retrieve the latest message received by the instance. If no message is available it blocks for given timeout or until a message is received, or else returns None (whichever is shorter). This method does not block after :meth:`can.BufferedReader.stop` has been called. :param float timeout: The number of seconds to wait for a new message. :rytpe: can.Message or None :return: the message if there is one, or None if there is not. """ try: return self.buffer.get(block=not self.is_stopped, timeout=timeout) except Empty: return None
[docs] def stop(self): """Prohibits any more additions to this reader. """ self.is_stopped = True
if asyncio is not None:
[docs] class AsyncBufferedReader(Listener): """A message buffer for use with :mod:`asyncio`. See :ref:`asyncio` for how to use with :class:`can.Notifier`. Can also be used as an asynchronous iterator:: async for msg in reader: print(msg) """ def __init__(self, loop=None): # set to "infinite" size self.buffer = asyncio.Queue(loop=loop)
[docs] def on_message_received(self, msg): """Append a message to the buffer. Must only be called inside an event loop! """ self.buffer.put_nowait(msg)
[docs] def get_message(self): """ Retrieve the latest message when awaited for:: msg = await reader.get_message() :rtype: can.Message :return: The CAN message. """ return self.buffer.get()
def __aiter__(self): return self def __anext__(self): return self.buffer.get()