Source code for can.message

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

This module contains the implementation of `can.Message`.

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Message(object): """ The :class:`~can.Message` object is used to represent CAN messages for both sending and receiving. Messages can use extended identifiers, be remote or error frames, contain data and can be associated to a channel. When testing for equality of the messages, the timestamp and the channel is not used for comparing. .. note:: This class does not strictly check the input. Thus, the caller must prevent the creation of invalid messages. Possible problems include the `dlc` field not matching the length of `data` or creating a message with both `is_remote_frame` and `is_error_frame` set to True. """ def __init__(self, timestamp=0.0, is_remote_frame=False, extended_id=True, is_error_frame=False, arbitration_id=0, dlc=None, data=None, is_fd=False, bitrate_switch=False, error_state_indicator=False, channel=None): self.timestamp = timestamp self.id_type = extended_id self.is_extended_id = extended_id self.is_remote_frame = is_remote_frame self.is_error_frame = is_error_frame self.arbitration_id = arbitration_id = channel self.is_fd = is_fd self.bitrate_switch = bitrate_switch self.error_state_indicator = error_state_indicator if data is None or is_remote_frame: = bytearray() elif isinstance(data, bytearray): = data else: try: = bytearray(data) except TypeError: err = "Couldn't create message from {} ({})".format(data, type(data)) raise TypeError(err) if dlc is None: self.dlc = len( else: self.dlc = dlc if is_fd and self.dlc > 64: logger.warning("data link count was %d but it should be less than or equal to 64", self.dlc) if not is_fd and self.dlc > 8: logger.warning("data link count was %d but it should be less than or equal to 8", self.dlc)
[docs] def __str__(self): field_strings = ["Timestamp: {0:15.6f}".format(self.timestamp)] if self.id_type: # Extended arbitrationID arbitration_id_string = "ID: {0:08x}".format(self.arbitration_id) else: arbitration_id_string = "ID: {0:04x}".format(self.arbitration_id) field_strings.append(arbitration_id_string.rjust(12, " ")) flag_string = " ".join([ "X" if self.id_type else "S", "E" if self.is_error_frame else " ", "R" if self.is_remote_frame else " ", "F" if self.is_fd else " ", ]) field_strings.append(flag_string) field_strings.append("DLC: {0:d}".format(self.dlc)) data_strings = [] if is not None: for index in range(0, min(self.dlc, len( data_strings.append("{0:02x}".format([index])) if data_strings: # if not empty field_strings.append(" ".join(data_strings).ljust(24, " ")) else: field_strings.append(" " * 24) if ( is not None) and ( try: field_strings.append("'{}'".format('utf-8'))) except UnicodeError: pass return " ".join(field_strings).strip()
def __len__(self): return len( def __bool__(self): return True def __nonzero__(self): return self.__bool__() def __repr__(self): data = ["{:#02x}".format(byte) for byte in] args = ["timestamp={}".format(self.timestamp), "is_remote_frame={}".format(self.is_remote_frame), "extended_id={}".format(self.id_type), "is_error_frame={}".format(self.is_error_frame), "arbitration_id={:#x}".format(self.arbitration_id), "dlc={}".format(self.dlc), "data=[{}]".format(", ".join(data))] if is not None: args.append("channel={!r}".format( if self.is_fd: args.append("is_fd=True") args.append("bitrate_switch={}".format(self.bitrate_switch)) args.append("error_state_indicator={}".format(self.error_state_indicator)) return "can.Message({})".format(", ".join(args)) def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.arbitration_id == other.arbitration_id and #self.timestamp == other.timestamp and # allow the timestamp to differ self.id_type == other.id_type and self.dlc == other.dlc and == and self.is_remote_frame == other.is_remote_frame and self.is_error_frame == other.is_error_frame and self.is_fd == other.is_fd and self.bitrate_switch == other.bitrate_switch) def __hash__(self): return hash(( self.arbitration_id, # self.timestamp # excluded, like in self.__eq__(self, other) self.id_type, self.dlc,, self.is_fd, self.bitrate_switch, self.is_remote_frame, self.is_error_frame )) def __format__(self, format_spec): return self.__str__()