Source code for can.interfaces.usb2can.usb2canabstractionlayer

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

This wrapper is for windows or direct access via CANAL API.
Socket CAN is recommended under Unix/Linux systems.

import can
from ctypes import *
from struct import *
import logging

log = logging.getLogger('can.usb2can')

# type definitions
flags = c_ulong
pConfigureStr = c_char_p
handle = c_long
timeout = c_ulong
filter = c_ulong

# flags mappings

class CanalStatistics(Structure):
    _fields_ = [('ReceiveFrams', c_ulong),
                ('TransmistFrams', c_ulong),
                ('ReceiveData', c_ulong),
                ('TransmitData', c_ulong),
                ('Overruns', c_ulong),
                ('BusWarnings', c_ulong),
                ('BusOff', c_ulong)]

stat = CanalStatistics

class CanalStatus(Structure):
    _fields_ = [('channel_status', c_ulong),
                ('lasterrorcode', c_ulong),
                ('lasterrorsubcode', c_ulong),
                ('lasterrorstr', c_byte * 80)]

# data type for the CAN Message
class CanalMsg(Structure):
    _fields_ = [('flags', c_ulong),
                ('obid', c_ulong),
                ('id', c_ulong),
                ('sizeData', c_ubyte),
                ('data', c_ubyte * 8),
                ('timestamp', c_ulong)]

[docs]class Usb2CanAbstractionLayer: """A low level wrapper around the usb2can library. Documentation: """ def __init__(self): self.__m_dllBasic = windll.LoadLibrary("usb2can.dll") if self.__m_dllBasic is None: log.warning('DLL failed to load')
[docs] def open(self, pConfigureStr, flags): try: res = self.__m_dllBasic.CanalOpen(pConfigureStr, flags) return res except: log.warning('Failed to open') raise
[docs] def close(self, handle): try: res = self.__m_dllBasic.CanalClose(handle) return res except: log.warning('Failed to close') raise
[docs] def send(self, handle, msg): try: res = self.__m_dllBasic.CanalSend(handle, msg) return res except: log.warning('Sending error') raise can.CanError("Failed to transmit frame")
[docs] def receive(self, handle, msg): try: res = self.__m_dllBasic.CanalReceive(handle, msg) return res except: log.warning('Receive error') raise
[docs] def blocking_send(self, handle, msg, timeout): try: res = self.__m_dllBasic.CanalBlockingSend(handle, msg, timeout) return res except: log.warning('Blocking send error') raise
[docs] def blocking_receive(self, handle, msg, timeout): try: res = self.__m_dllBasic.CanalBlockingReceive(handle, msg, timeout) return res except: log.warning('Blocking Receive Failed') raise
[docs] def get_status(self, handle, CanalStatus): try: res = self.__m_dllBasic.CanalGetStatus(handle, CanalStatus) return res except: log.warning('Get status failed') raise
[docs] def get_statistics(self, handle, CanalStatistics): try: res = self.__m_dllBasic.CanalGetStatistics(handle, CanalStatistics) return res except: log.warning('Get Statistics failed') raise
[docs] def get_version(self): try: res = self.__m_dllBasic.CanalGetVersion() return res except: log.warning('Failed to get version info') raise
[docs] def get_library_version(self): try: res = self.__m_dllBasic.CanalGetDllVersion() return res except: log.warning('Failed to get DLL version') raise
[docs] def get_vendor_string(self): try: res = self.__m_dllBasic.CanalGetVendorString() return res except: log.warning('Failed to get vendor string') raise