Source code for can.interfaces.pcan.pcan

Enable basic can over a PCAN USB device.

import logging
import sys

from can.interfaces.pcan.PCANBasic import *
from can.bus import BusABC
from can.message import Message
from can import CanError
import time

boottimeEpoch = 0
    import uptime
    import datetime
    boottimeEpoch = (uptime.boottime() - datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)).total_seconds()
    boottimeEpoch = 0

    # Try builtin Python 3 Windows API
    from _overlapped import CreateEvent
    from _winapi import WaitForSingleObject, WAIT_OBJECT_0, INFINITE
    HAS_EVENTS = True
except ImportError:
        # Try pywin32 package
        from win32event import CreateEvent
        from win32event import WaitForSingleObject, WAIT_OBJECT_0, INFINITE
        HAS_EVENTS = True
    except ImportError:
        # Use polling instead
        HAS_EVENTS = False

if sys.version_info >= (3, 3):
    # new in 3.3
    timeout_clock = time.perf_counter
    # deprecated in 3.3
    timeout_clock = time.clock

# Set up logging
log = logging.getLogger('can.pcan')

pcan_bitrate_objs = {1000000 : PCAN_BAUD_1M,
                      800000 : PCAN_BAUD_800K,
                      500000 : PCAN_BAUD_500K,
                      250000 : PCAN_BAUD_250K,
                      125000 : PCAN_BAUD_125K,
                      100000 : PCAN_BAUD_100K,
                       95000 : PCAN_BAUD_95K,
                       83000 : PCAN_BAUD_83K,
                       50000 : PCAN_BAUD_50K,
                       47000 : PCAN_BAUD_47K,
                       33000 : PCAN_BAUD_33K,
                       20000 : PCAN_BAUD_20K,
                       10000 : PCAN_BAUD_10K,
                        5000 : PCAN_BAUD_5K}

[docs]class PcanBus(BusABC): def __init__(self, channel, *args, **kwargs): """A PCAN USB interface to CAN. On top of the usual :class:`~can.Bus` methods provided, the PCAN interface includes the `flash()` and `status()` methods. :param str channel: The can interface name. An example would be PCAN_USBBUS1 :param int bitrate: Bitrate of channel in bit/s. Default is 500 Kbs """ if channel is None or channel == '': raise ArgumentError("Must specify a PCAN channel") else: self.channel_info = channel bitrate = kwargs.get('bitrate', 500000) pcan_bitrate = pcan_bitrate_objs.get(bitrate, PCAN_BAUD_500K) hwtype = PCAN_TYPE_ISA ioport = 0x02A0 interrupt = 11 self.m_objPCANBasic = PCANBasic() self.m_PcanHandle = globals()[channel] result = self.m_objPCANBasic.Initialize(self.m_PcanHandle, pcan_bitrate, hwtype, ioport, interrupt) if result != PCAN_ERROR_OK: raise PcanError(self._get_formatted_error(result)) if HAS_EVENTS: self._recv_event = CreateEvent(None, 0, 0, None) result = self.m_objPCANBasic.SetValue( self.m_PcanHandle, PCAN_RECEIVE_EVENT, self._recv_event) if result != PCAN_ERROR_OK: raise PcanError(self._get_formatted_error(result)) super(PcanBus, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _get_formatted_error(self, error): """ Gets the text using the GetErrorText API function If the function succeeds, the translated error is returned. If it fails, a text describing the current error is returned. Multiple errors may be present in which case their individual messages are included in the return string, one line per error. """ def bits(n): while n: b = n & (~n+1) yield b n ^= b stsReturn = self.m_objPCANBasic.GetErrorText(error, 0) if stsReturn[0] != PCAN_ERROR_OK: strings = [] for b in bits(error): stsReturn = self.m_objPCANBasic.GetErrorText(b, 0) if stsReturn[0] != PCAN_ERROR_OK: text = "An error occurred. Error-code's text ({0:X}h) couldn't be retrieved".format(error) else: text = stsReturn[1].decode('utf-8', errors='replace') strings.append(text) complete_text = '\n'.join(strings) else: complete_text = stsReturn[1].decode('utf-8', errors='replace') return complete_text
[docs] def status(self): """ Query the PCAN bus status. :return: The status code. See values in """ return self.m_objPCANBasic.GetStatus(self.m_PcanHandle)
[docs] def status_is_ok(self): """ Convenience method to check that the bus status is OK """ status = self.status() return status == PCAN_ERROR_OK
def reset(self): # Command the PCAN driver to reset the bus after an error. status = self.m_objPCANBasic.Reset(self.m_PcanHandle) return status == PCAN_ERROR_OK def recv(self, timeout=None): if HAS_EVENTS: # We will utilize events for the timeout handling timeout_ms = int(timeout * 1000) if timeout is not None else INFINITE elif timeout is not None: # Calculate max time end_time = timeout_clock() + timeout log.debug("Trying to read a msg") result = None while result is None: result = self.m_objPCANBasic.Read(self.m_PcanHandle) if result[0] == PCAN_ERROR_QRCVEMPTY: if HAS_EVENTS: result = None val = WaitForSingleObject(self._recv_event, timeout_ms) if val != WAIT_OBJECT_0: return None elif timeout is not None and timeout_clock() >= end_time: return None else: result = None time.sleep(0.001) elif result[0] & (PCAN_ERROR_BUSLIGHT | PCAN_ERROR_BUSHEAVY): log.warning(self._get_formatted_error(result[0])) return None elif result[0] != PCAN_ERROR_OK: raise PcanError(self._get_formatted_error(result[0])) theMsg = result[1] itsTimeStamp = result[2] log.debug("Received a message") bIsRTR = (theMsg.MSGTYPE & PCAN_MESSAGE_RTR.value) == PCAN_MESSAGE_RTR.value bIsExt = (theMsg.MSGTYPE & PCAN_MESSAGE_EXTENDED.value) == PCAN_MESSAGE_EXTENDED.value if bIsExt: #rx_msg.id_type = ID_TYPE_EXTENDED log.debug("CAN: Extended") else: #rx_msg.id_type = ID_TYPE_STANDARD log.debug("CAN: Standard") dlc = theMsg.LEN timestamp = boottimeEpoch + ((itsTimeStamp.micros + (1000 * itsTimeStamp.millis)) / (1000.0 * 1000.0)) rx_msg = Message(timestamp=timestamp, arbitration_id=theMsg.ID, extended_id=bIsExt, is_remote_frame=bIsRTR, dlc=dlc, data=theMsg.DATA[:dlc]) return rx_msg def send(self, msg, timeout=None): if msg.id_type: msgType = PCAN_MESSAGE_EXTENDED else: msgType = PCAN_MESSAGE_STANDARD # create a TPCANMsg message structure CANMsg = TPCANMsg() # configure the message. ID, Length of data, message type and data CANMsg.ID = msg.arbitration_id CANMsg.LEN = msg.dlc CANMsg.MSGTYPE = msgType # if a remote frame will be sent, data bytes are not important. if msg.is_remote_frame: CANMsg.MSGTYPE = msgType.value | PCAN_MESSAGE_RTR.value else: # copy data for i in range(CANMsg.LEN): CANMsg.DATA[i] =[i] log.debug("Data: %s", log.debug("Type: %s", type( result = self.m_objPCANBasic.Write(self.m_PcanHandle, CANMsg) if result != PCAN_ERROR_OK: raise PcanError("Failed to send: " + self._get_formatted_error(result))
[docs] def flash(self, flash): """ Turn on or off flashing of the device's LED for physical identification purposes. """ self.m_objPCANBasic.SetValue(self.m_PcanHandle, PCAN_CHANNEL_IDENTIFYING, bool(flash))
def shutdown(self): self.m_objPCANBasic.Uninitialize(self.m_PcanHandle)
class PcanError(CanError): pass