Source code for can.bus

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import

import abc
import logging
import threading
from can.broadcastmanager import ThreadBasedCyclicSendTask
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BusABC(object): """CAN Bus Abstract Base Class Concrete implementations must implement the following methods: * send * recv As well as setting the `channel_info` attribute to a string describing the interface. """ #: a string describing the underlying bus channel channel_info = 'unknown' @abc.abstractmethod def __init__(self, channel=None, can_filters=None, **config): """ :param channel: The can interface identifier. Expected type is backend dependent. :param list can_filters: A list of dictionaries each containing a "can_id", a "can_mask", and an "extended" key. >>> [{"can_id": 0x11, "can_mask": 0x21, "extended": False}] A filter matches, when ``<received_can_id> & can_mask == can_id & can_mask`` :param dict config: Any backend dependent configurations are passed in this dictionary """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def recv(self, timeout=None): """Block waiting for a message from the Bus. :param float timeout: Seconds to wait for a message. :return: None on timeout or a :class:`can.Message` object. """ raise NotImplementedError("Trying to read from a write only bus?")
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def send(self, msg, timeout=None): """Transmit a message to CAN bus. Override this method to enable the transmit path. :param can.Message msg: A message object. :param float timeout: If > 0, wait up to this many seconds for message to be ACK:ed or for transmit queue to be ready depending on driver implementation. If timeout is exceeded, an exception will be raised. Might not be supported by all interfaces. :raise: :class:`can.CanError` if the message could not be written. """ raise NotImplementedError("Trying to write to a readonly bus?")
[docs] def send_periodic(self, msg, period, duration=None): """Start sending a message at a given period on this bus. :param can.Message msg: Message to transmit :param float period: Period in seconds between each message :param float duration: The duration to keep sending this message at given rate. If no duration is provided, the task will continue indefinitely. :return: A started task instance :rtype: can.CyclicSendTaskABC Note the duration before the message stops being sent may not be exactly the same as the duration specified by the user. In general the message will be sent at the given rate until at least *duration* seconds. """ if not hasattr(self, "_lock"): # Create send lock for this bus self._lock = threading.Lock() return ThreadBasedCyclicSendTask(self, self._lock, msg, period, duration)
[docs] def __iter__(self): """Allow iteration on messages as they are received. >>> for msg in bus: ... print(msg) :yields: :class:`can.Message` msg objects. """ while True: m = self.recv(timeout=1.0) if m is not None: yield m logger.debug("done iterating over bus messages")
[docs] def set_filters(self, can_filters=None): """Apply filtering to all messages received by this Bus. Calling without passing any filters will reset the applied filters. :param list can_filters: A list of dictionaries each containing a "can_id" and a "can_mask". >>> [{"can_id": 0x11, "can_mask": 0x21}] A filter matches, when ``<received_can_id> & can_mask == can_id & can_mask`` """ raise NotImplementedError("Trying to set_filters on unsupported bus")
[docs] def flush_tx_buffer(self): """Discard every message that may be queued in the output buffer(s). """ pass
[docs] def shutdown(self): """ Called to carry out any interface specific cleanup required in shutting down a bus. """ self.flush_tx_buffer()
__metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta