Source code for can.bus

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function

import abc
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BusABC(object): """CAN Bus Abstract Base Class Concrete implementations must implement the following methods: * send * recv As well as setting the `channel_info` attribute to a string describing the interface. """ #: a string describing the underlying bus channel channel_info = 'unknown' @abc.abstractmethod def __init__(self, channel=None, can_filters=None, **config): """ :param channel: The can interface identifier. Expected type is backend dependent. :param list can_filters: A list of dictionaries each containing a "can_id" and a "can_mask". >>> [{"can_id": 0x11, "can_mask": 0x21}] A filter matches, when ``<received_can_id> & can_mask == can_id & can_mask`` :param dict config: Any backend dependent configurations are passed in this dictionary """ @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def recv(self, timeout=None): """Block waiting for a message from the Bus. :param float timeout: Seconds to wait for a message. :return: None on timeout or a :class:`can.Message` object. """ raise NotImplementedError("Trying to read from a write only bus?")
[docs] def send(self, msg): """Transmit a message to CAN bus. Override this method to enable the transmit path. :param msg: A :class:`can.Message` object. :raise: :class:`can.CanError` if the message could not be written. """ raise NotImplementedError("Trying to write to a readonly bus?")
[docs] def __iter__(self): """Allow iteration on messages as they are received. >>> for msg in bus: ... print(msg) :yields: :class:`can.Message` msg objects. """ while True: m = self.recv(timeout=1.0) if m is not None: yield m logger.debug("done iterating over bus messages")
[docs] def set_filters(self, can_filters=None): """Apply filtering to all messages received by this Bus. Calling without passing any filters will reset the applied filters. :param list can_filters: A list of dictionaries each containing a "can_id" and a "can_mask". >>> [{"can_id": 0x11, "can_mask": 0x21}] A filter matches, when ``<received_can_id> & can_mask == can_id & can_mask`` """ raise NotImplementedError("Trying to set_filters on unsupported bus")
[docs] def flush_tx_buffer(self): """Used for CAN interfaces which need to flush their transmit buffer. """ pass
[docs] def shutdown(self): """ Called to carry out any interface specific cleanup required in shutting down a bus. """ self.flush_tx_buffer()
__metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta