Developer’s Overview


Contribute to source code, documentation, examples and report issues:

Creating a Release

  • Release from the master branch.
  • Update the library version in using semantic versioning.
  • Run all tests and examples against available hardware.
  • Update CONTRIBUTORS.txt with any new contributors.
  • Sanity check that documentation has stayed inline with code. For large changes update doc/history.rst
  • Create a temporary virtual environment. Run python install and python test
  • Create and upload the distribution: python sdist bdist_wheel
  • Sign the packages with gpg gpg --detach-sign -a dist/python_can-X.Y.Z-py3-none-any.whl
  • Upload with twine twine upload dist/python-can-X.Y.Z*
  • In a new virtual env check that the package can be installed with pip: pip install python-can==X.Y.Z
  • Create a new tag in the repository.
  • Check the release on PyPi and github.

Code Structure

The modules in python-can are:

Module Description
interfaces Contains interface dependent code.
bus Contains the interface independent Bus object.
CAN Contains modules to emulate a CAN system, such as a time stamps, read/write streams and listeners.
message Contains the interface independent Message object.
notifier An object which can be used to notify listeners.
broadcastmanager Contains interface independent broadcast manager code.