
class can.Message(timestamp=0.0, is_remote_frame=False, extended_id=True, is_error_frame=False, arbitration_id=0, dlc=None, data=None)[source]

Bases: object

The Message object is used to represent CAN messages for both sending and receiving.

Messages can use extended identifiers, be remote or error frames, and contain data.

One can instantiate a Message defining data, and optional arguments for all attributes such as arbitration ID, flags, and timestamp.

>>> from can import Message
>>> test = Message(data=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
>>> test.dlc
>>> print(test)
Timestamp:        0.000000    ID: 00000000    010    DLC: 5    01 02 03 04 05

The arbitration_id field in a CAN message may be either 11 bits (standard addressing, CAN 2.0A) or 29 bits (extended addressing, CAN 2.0B) in length, and python-can exposes this difference with the is_extended_id attribute.


The frame identifier used for arbitration on the bus.

The arbitration ID can take an int between 0 and the maximum value allowed depending on the is_extended_id flag (either 211 - 1 for 11-bit IDs, or 229 - 1 for 29-bit identifiers).

>>> print(Message(extended_id=False, arbitration_id=100))
Timestamp:        0.000000        ID: 0064    000    DLC: 0

The data parameter of a CAN message is exposed as a bytearray with length between 0 and 8.

>>> example_data = bytearray([1, 2, 3])
>>> print(Message(data=example_data))
0.000000    00000000    0002    3    01 02 03

A Message can also be created with bytes, or lists of ints:

>>> m1 = Message(data=[0x64, 0x65, 0x61, 0x64, 0x62, 0x65, 0x65, 0x66])
>>> print(
>>> m2 = can.Message(data=b'deadbeef')

The DLC parameter of a CAN message is an integer between 0 and 8 representing the frame payload length.

>>> m = Message(data=[1, 2, 3])
>>> m.dlc


The DLC value does not necessarily define the number of bytes of data in a message.

Its purpose varies depending on the frame type - for data frames it represents the amount of data contained in the message, in remote frames it represents the amount of data being requested.


This flag controls the size of the arbitration_id field.

>>> print(Message(extended_id=False))
Timestamp:        0.000000        ID: 0000    000    DLC: 0
>>> print(Message(extended_id=True))
Timestamp:        0.000000    ID: 00000000    010    DLC: 0

Previously this was exposed as id_type.


This boolean parameter indicates if the message is an error frame or not.


This boolean attribute indicates if the message is a remote frame or a data frame, and modifies the bit in the CAN message’s flags field indicating this.


The timestamp field in a CAN message is a floating point number representing when the message was received since the epoch in seconds. Where possible this will be timestamped in hardware.


A string representation of a CAN message:

>>> from can import Message
>>> test = Message()
>>> print(test)
Timestamp:        0.000000    ID: 00000000    010    DLC: 0
>>> test2 = Message(data=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
>>> print(test2)
Timestamp:        0.000000    ID: 00000000    010    DLC: 5    01 02 03 04 05

The fields in the printed message are (in order):

  • timestamp,
  • arbitration ID,
  • flags,
  • dlc,
  • and data.

The flags field is represented as a four-digit hexadecimal number. The arbitration ID field as either a four or eight digit hexadecimal number depending on the length of the arbitration ID (11-bit or 29-bit). Each of the bytes in the data field (when present) are represented as two-digit hexadecimal numbers.